The example of Joseph's life (Gen 37-50) has many facets/plots/twists.....favoritism from his father resulting in sibling jealousy/rejection, thrown into a pit and sold as a slave. Joseph must have felt alone, abandoned, betrayed, doubt and fearful. Yet, my guess is that through his dreams he chose to trust God's timing by persevering through these difficulties for a better plan/outcome. Easy? I'm certain we all agree.....NO WAY!
Joseph's trust and faithfulness led to him to become second in command in Egypt. When the drought came (just as he had dreamed about), he could have taken revenge on his brothers. Instead, he denied self and the tendency hold a grudge.....he chose to forgive and reunite his family. God used Joseph trials for a greater purpose/good as he was instrumental in making provisions available to many during the drought. Gen 50:20 says, You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. It is certainly easier to view the story knowing the end result. We struggle "in the now" as we do not know our future. While I'm certain Joseph struggled at times, God knew he would persevere and trust to the end. What a great example of HOPE from the "pits of life". Of course, that does not mean that everything will work out the way we want.....there will be disappointments, hurt, suffering.....during our time in this world.
In order to get out of "the pits", we must trust while releasing our fear and pain to our awesome God. We must learn to look at trials not as God not caring or that He does not love us, but as an instrument used towards His ultimate plan for our His timing. This trusting attitude will reap high rewards (as God has promised)........if we take the step of faith by submitting/releasing to our God. Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
My Deficiency.......God's Sufficiency
In Exodus 4:10-12, Moses uses what he deems a deficiency as a reason that perhaps God should choose another to carry out the mission Moses was called to perform. My guess is, we have all did the very same during our lives- I am guilty. Whether it be a leadership roll, actively sharing Jesus with others, Bible class teacher, public prayer, etc., I have allowed my quiet (somewhat introvert) personality to hinder my growth/obedience. As in the great examples of Moses, David, Zacchaeus Saul/Paul........and many others, being adept and possessing the ideal qualities are not a pre-recquisite for serving God. I like the apropos phrase that states, God uses ordinary individuals to achieve extraordinary results. We must learn and mature to the point of taking the focus off our limitations (deficiencies) and trusting/relying on God's all sufficient power.
Where I struggle/lack, God succeeds!
Where I am weak, God is strong!
Being a faithful follower of our Creator requires us to trust Him and at times leave our comfort zones. We must place our fears, doubts, insecurities, deficiencies into God's hands. We must always be cognitive of how our actions and attitudes will shape our children, spouses, other family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc. Am I/Are you the courageous/godly being that God has called each of us to be? Let's challenge one another to loosen the grip on our insecurities/deficiencies and embrace God's power (Philippians 4:13). Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
Where I struggle/lack, God succeeds!
Where I am weak, God is strong!
Being a faithful follower of our Creator requires us to trust Him and at times leave our comfort zones. We must place our fears, doubts, insecurities, deficiencies into God's hands. We must always be cognitive of how our actions and attitudes will shape our children, spouses, other family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc. Am I/Are you the courageous/godly being that God has called each of us to be? Let's challenge one another to loosen the grip on our insecurities/deficiencies and embrace God's power (Philippians 4:13). Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Matthew 24:36-44 is challenging....a powerful reminder/awakening. We often go through each day making plans for our precious life-another day/more time ahead. Scripture tells us that we are not guaranteed another hour/day-personally. We also do not know the hour that our Savior will return to take all His children home.
Perhaps some believe this to sound morbid and gloomy. As Christians,we are to look forward to this reward with anticipation and joy--that is challenging to me. We get wrapped up in our earthly life with family, friends, church, hobbies, serving. etc. While these activities are not inherently bad, we can allow them to distract our eternal focus. Scripture also tells us to be prudent and ready for our unknown appointed time. Why do we spend so much time and effort planning for our earthly life (vacations, retirement, the tomorrow's of life, careers, etc) and yet we often neglect/overlook preparing for the eternal life? To the faithful children of God, this is to be a glorious what extent do I/we truly believe this and live with an attitude that encompasses that confidence! Are you living your life in a state of readiness? Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
Perhaps some believe this to sound morbid and gloomy. As Christians,we are to look forward to this reward with anticipation and joy--that is challenging to me. We get wrapped up in our earthly life with family, friends, church, hobbies, serving. etc. While these activities are not inherently bad, we can allow them to distract our eternal focus. Scripture also tells us to be prudent and ready for our unknown appointed time. Why do we spend so much time and effort planning for our earthly life (vacations, retirement, the tomorrow's of life, careers, etc) and yet we often neglect/overlook preparing for the eternal life? To the faithful children of God, this is to be a glorious what extent do I/we truly believe this and live with an attitude that encompasses that confidence! Are you living your life in a state of readiness? Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Who me? Are you?
We all have many blessings. It does seem as though we often measure them in a materialistic/worldly manner. Sometimes we seek a new car, bigger home, a second/vacation home, all the new technological gadgets, etc. Not that there are anything in particular wrong with having things..........but it's the attitude that motivates these possessions. Is our attitude to consume these for "self", or perhaps use them to share with others/build relationships and introduce God's love and Jesus?
I came across a couple passages recently that challenge my attitude on this subject. They remind that things of this earth are temporary and our permanent possession (everlasting life with our God) needs to be the focus. Read II Peter 3:3-13 and Matthew 6: 20-21. I ask myself, "what am I storing up and what is the reasoning" and "where is my heart focused"?
We all like to keep hold of certain memorabilia to recall memories of the past......again, nothing wrong with that emotional activity. But if not careful, we can become hoarders and allow material/earthly treasures to consume us. The challenge is to keep all facets of this life in a godly perspective-to look upward and not an earthly focus. A selfless, humble and serving attitude is the crux of our walk/journey. I recently disposed of some memorabilia from my college days- a couple medium size boxes. I had not looked at it much (if at all) in many years. It was a little difficult as I sorted through and reminisced........but what was important then, is not so much anymore. I have not since thought much about all I threw out. We came into this world with no possessions and we will depart in the same manner........we cannot take it with us. It's hard to imagine, but I must believe, that things that are important in this life, will lose that attachment in the life to come. Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
We all have many blessings. It does seem as though we often measure them in a materialistic/worldly manner. Sometimes we seek a new car, bigger home, a second/vacation home, all the new technological gadgets, etc. Not that there are anything in particular wrong with having things..........but it's the attitude that motivates these possessions. Is our attitude to consume these for "self", or perhaps use them to share with others/build relationships and introduce God's love and Jesus?
I came across a couple passages recently that challenge my attitude on this subject. They remind that things of this earth are temporary and our permanent possession (everlasting life with our God) needs to be the focus. Read II Peter 3:3-13 and Matthew 6: 20-21. I ask myself, "what am I storing up and what is the reasoning" and "where is my heart focused"?
We all like to keep hold of certain memorabilia to recall memories of the past......again, nothing wrong with that emotional activity. But if not careful, we can become hoarders and allow material/earthly treasures to consume us. The challenge is to keep all facets of this life in a godly perspective-to look upward and not an earthly focus. A selfless, humble and serving attitude is the crux of our walk/journey. I recently disposed of some memorabilia from my college days- a couple medium size boxes. I had not looked at it much (if at all) in many years. It was a little difficult as I sorted through and reminisced........but what was important then, is not so much anymore. I have not since thought much about all I threw out. We came into this world with no possessions and we will depart in the same manner........we cannot take it with us. It's hard to imagine, but I must believe, that things that are important in this life, will lose that attachment in the life to come. Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Are you a pumpkin?
I came across this beautiful analogy of how God can/will work in us-if we allow..... wanted to share:
woman was asked by a coworker, 'What is it like to be a Christian?' The
coworker replied, 'It is like being a pumpkin.' God picks you from the patch,
brings you in, and washes all the dirt off of you. Then He cuts off the top and
scoops out all the yucky stuff. He removes the seeds of doubt, hate, and greed.
Then He carves you a new smiling face and puts His light inside of you to shine
for all the world to see.' Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
There is a song by Van Halen I like, basically because of the music as I do not subscribe very well to the premise of the title.....'I'll Wait'. We live in an instant gratification society and have been de-programmed to some of humanities basic emotions. Waiting/patience is not an acceptable quality in many of life's activities, nor is it a commonality. However, why as Bible believing Christians do we struggle so much with this discipline? We are told in scripture that waiting/endurance develops perseverance and maturity (see James 1:2-5 and 1:12).
Scripture is filled with examples to 'wait on the Lord'-being patient and trusting in God our creator. The following is a list of some passages, I encourage you to reflect on: Psalm 27:14, 33:20, 37:7, 40:1; Prov. 20:22; Lam. 3:26; Heb. 10:23; Philippians 4:6-7; 2 Cor. 6:4; James 5:7; and Jude 1;21.
My guess is that in this world we will struggle with this to varying degrees during our lifetime. The challenge is to seek God first, focus on the Spirit, trusting in Him and wait for His promises and plans to be fulfilled. Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
Scripture is filled with examples to 'wait on the Lord'-being patient and trusting in God our creator. The following is a list of some passages, I encourage you to reflect on: Psalm 27:14, 33:20, 37:7, 40:1; Prov. 20:22; Lam. 3:26; Heb. 10:23; Philippians 4:6-7; 2 Cor. 6:4; James 5:7; and Jude 1;21.
My guess is that in this world we will struggle with this to varying degrees during our lifetime. The challenge is to seek God first, focus on the Spirit, trusting in Him and wait for His promises and plans to be fulfilled. Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Perspective Points Exam
Do we view difficult situations/issues through the lens of God’s Word?
If yes, we will not be overwhelmed. (Matthew 11:28-30)
Are we thankful for the trials that humbly force us to our
knees….seeking God’s help? Do not
wallow in despair, but turn any grumbling into gratitude/thankfulness. (1 Peter 4:12-13, James 1:2-5)
Can we find good in the imponderables of this life? While we usually struggle with this promise, God does work good through the bad. (Jeremiah 29:11)
Perspective points are defined as a comparative analysis of the
difficulties verses the blessings (lessons learned) of life's trials. These
reflections can allow us to find those simplistic, often taken for granted, blessings from such challenges. The true test of Christ-like perspective
points will provide great value from our difficult experiences. God can nurture, soothe, comfort, and be our
refuge. The result will be a heart
cultivated with thankfulness for a caring and loving Creator. In Duet. 5:12-15, Moses, as he delivers the
Ten Commandments instructed the
Israelites to keep perspective through a day of rest/reflection/remembrance……the
Sabbath. Do we take the time necessary
and required to put away the grind of daily life and seek godly
perspectives? If not I challenge you to
begin. While it will not take away the
hurt of our trials (nor diminish them), God will give us the strength to
endure. Blessings in your pursuit…….TO
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Romans 8:6, "The mind set on the flesh is death, but
the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace.
One can only see their shadow when turned away
from the light. Turning back toward the light, no longer can this shadow be seen-at least by you. A shadow is created by
blocking the light.....a natural fact. The same can be said regarding the shadow of doubt. When we focus on ourselves and how
inadequate we feel, or what others are thinking about us, we cast a shadow of
doubt in our minds and block the light of God's Truth in our hearts. We were
created to live in the Light, by focusing on what God thinks about us instead of ourselves/others. John 8:12- When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life". Let's encourage one another to always look to the Light-casting aside our shadows of doubt, and be Jesus
centered-walking in the light, not obstructing, nor turning our backs from the Light Source--God! Blessings in your pursuit…….TO
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Dreary to Hopeful
It’s easy to look at current
issues that the world faces(or personally) and think of doom and gloom…e.g.
economy, decaying morality, families dividing, etc. God looks beyond the NOW and has prepared a
future of HOPE. We must trust that our
Almighty God is in control and does have the power to reverse, change, restore,
revive and renew. However, I believe we
have a key contribution….obedience.
That will not exempt us from trials, in fact, we may well face more than
we think we should. We can easily get
lost in the NOW. We need to look past
these growth opportunities and focus on God’s promises-one of which is a
HOPEFUL future after this earthly life.
Look at the following Biblical examples of dreary life circumstances and
the future fulfillment of promises:
Job: heavy personal loss—bountiful blessings
Joseph: slavery—second in command of Egypt
Ruth: widowed, lonely, barren—lineage of our King
Lazarus: grave—new life
David: adultery/weakness—great kingdom, an example
of a genuine repentant heart
Saul: persecution—preaching Christ
Sarai/Sarah: pride and doubt—birth of Isaac
Esther: orphaned—saved a nation
Rahab: prostitution—sheltering spies
Peter: denial—preaching Christ to many
Moses: lacking confidence in personal
abilities—leading God’s people
Yes, God uses trials/challenges to
mold us if we allow, believe, trust, and seek Him. He uses ordinary people for extraordinary
results. Blessings in your pursuit…….TO
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Nope, not ‘desserts’, which I for
one am prone to partake of frequently, but ‘deserts’. Spiritual ‘deserts’ are times of life’s
trials that occur between God’s promises
and the ‘promise lands’. To receive a
promise, one must follow a plan obediently.
Promises/rewards can pertain to losing weight, obtaining a degree,
sports achievements, esteemed career positions, even fighting Satan/sin. When we do not faithfully follow, we face
undesirable consequences/lack of reaching the desired ‘promise lands’. The Israelites provide invaluable examples of
losing focus/being disobedient. Their
‘deserts’: being enslaved to Egypt for
400 years and wandering literally in the desert for 40 years. Human inclination is to move quickly through
the trials/pains……those ‘deserts’, and lounge abundantly in those desired good
times/’promise lands’. However, the ‘deserts’
teach us priceless lessons........character builders- such as trust, patience, obedience, discipline, a
contrite heart, to seek God first. These
times of reflection can provide much growth in our faith and to draw nearer to
our God-exactly where he wants us, because that is ultimately what is best for us. We can more clearly realize our dependence on
God and His great love for us. This can
only come from choosing to seek and follow God through the pains-‘deserts’. Then, in His time, we can joyously embrace
those ‘promised lands’/blessings He provides.
Let’s encourage one another to allow the ‘deserts’ to mold and not
defeat us. To lean on God’s love and
promises through complete submission.
Romans 4:20-21, Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the
promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do
what he had promised. Blessings in your
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Avoid through the 'Voids'
Life is great and a blessing.
Even so, there will come those times in our lives when there are
voids-times characterized with loneliness, doubts,, fears, pain, tears,
sadness….perhaps even depression. I have recently experienced the most
unexpected void in my life. A difficult
time personally and spiritually, yet a time that has persevered through God’s love into immeasurable growth in my faith walk. It is sometimes tempting, as Satan feeds us lies, to turn from our God and not to seek Him through His Word and other Christians. I was blessed to have a solid foundation of
faith in which to cling. This included family
and friends. I even moved away during this time, God and
the Bible quickly became my source out of necessity. I thank God He empowered me to look to Him to
fill this void and not seek out
worldliness………. and dismiss the promises from our God. He does not guarantee all
things will work out the way we believe
to be best-mine did not, and while it hurts, I progress towards a stronger
trust and faith that His plan is best and will be good….in His time. Of course this has and continues to be
challenging…..I will never have it figured out.
I have learned this should not be the focus, yet it seems a natural
to fall into getting the 'why' answers. It's fine to question God, though we cannot figure out
His wisdom and the trials He allows us to endure. The question is… I trust Him? If so, he will see me through if my focus
is upward. If I do not believe His way are
best, then I need to seek Him-----Avoid the present ‘voids’ and get to that trusting relationship. Blessings in your pursuit…….TO
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Warmth of the SON
I love the Beach Boys harmony and style of music. One song, ‘The warmth of the sun’, is about
the comfort and warmth that the day/sun brings during an emotional time (a lost love in
this case)-a classic representation of the Beach Boys. As Christians, we have the gift of the
savior- The ‘Son’ of God. What comfort,
refuge, confidence and ‘warmth’ this should bring to our lives. We can have this love and compassion not only
to help us in our trials, but as a reminder for us in the good times too. Be thankful for the Son-praise, honor and
glorify His name above all.
May we joyfully commit, surrender and submit our lives-daily, to draw on God's "warmth" through His SON-Jesus. Let's challenge ourselves to share this ‘warmth’ with someone each day. Blessings in your pursuit…….TO.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Have you seen the movie ‘Yes Man’? It’s about an ordinary individual living the
same’dull’ life day after day-which he seems content to do so…..or does
he? After being persuaded (forcefully)to
attend a ‘Yes’ conference as he battles some struggles, he is basically
convicted to say ‘Yes’ to everything.
Life changes big time for him(some good, some not so good). It does challenge me to dissect my Christian
walk and analyze how am I living. Am I
just getting by, day after day, feeling stuck in the daily grind. Have
you been like me in that I faithfully attend church and been involved, yet something was still
missing? It has to be about Jesus- drawing
our hearts into His reality, His grace, His love, His hope, His forgiveness, and
most of all the free gift of salvation because of Him. God doesn't want us to have a religion. A
religion is where we follow rules hoping to do life right, and serve God out of
duty because we think we have to. Mark
7:8 says, "You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to
the traditions of men." God wants
us to have a relationship. A relationship where we follow Him. Matthew 15:8-9 says, “These people honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are
but rules taught by men." We should
serve God not out of duty but out of delight because of the realization of who
we are in Him. May I suggest that we become ‘Yes’
Christians. Not necessarily saying yes
to everything, but ‘Yes’ to God and a
total submission/surrender to our Lord.
Yes, I am a sinner in need of a Savior.
Yes, I acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Son of God,
sent to die on a cross and be resurrected on the third day to save me from my
Yes, I want Jesus to be the Lord and Master of my
Yes, I am now and forever will be a forgiven and
saved child of the Almighty God.
Yes, I will follow Jesus today, tomorrow, and every
other day I'm blessed with on this earth.
God has never asked us to be perfect-He knows we
cannot be anyway. Our imperfections are
safely tucked within the reality of His perfection. Let us
simply press on by continuing to say ‘YES’, moment by imperfect moment... day
by imperfect day. Blessings in your
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Checkbook Test.....a Faith Gauge
Imagine if our budget/checkbook was on display for our families, friends, church, co-workers, etc. for viewing.......or perhaps auditing. What reactions, on both sides, be dominant? A more compelling question could be, "what would be the conclusive theme for what has been seen?" What is our emphasis showing by our individual entries? What is valued? Yes, we have to pay certain necessary obligations/bills. It's those 'other' ways we spend. The discretionary monies we may or may not have, yet, we oftentimes spend on 'things'. I have struggled in the past with my attitude and frame of reference by falling into the snare of 'my money'. When in fact, all we have is from God. He entrusts us with certain things (money, abilities, situations/opportunities). What we do with each reflects our character conviction........our faith! God is the provider of ALL, where does our trust rest? HIM or earthly pleasures/things. I'm not suggesting we cannot have some things, each one must work that out with God. I'll simply offer a personal challenge to us all (I have really needed this recently myself). Does our checkbook demonstrate that we are controlled by the Spirit, or by 'things'? It's not about us. God placed us in His plan for us to serve Him by helping others through benevolence/charity/building relationships.
A mathematical equation is perhaps appropriate. Money - Checkbook Entries = Trust/Faith. Thus, there is merit in how our checkbook reflects where our trust lies. God trusts us with money, jobs, talents, time, etc........ A giving heart and lifestyle demonstrates obedience. He freely gives! What are we giving back not only monetarily, but in our time, energy and abilities? How does your checkbook measure up? Mine is in need of a periodic makeover! Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
Suggested readings: Proverbs 11:24; Deuteronomy 14:23; Malachi 3:10
A mathematical equation is perhaps appropriate. Money - Checkbook Entries = Trust/Faith. Thus, there is merit in how our checkbook reflects where our trust lies. God trusts us with money, jobs, talents, time, etc........ A giving heart and lifestyle demonstrates obedience. He freely gives! What are we giving back not only monetarily, but in our time, energy and abilities? How does your checkbook measure up? Mine is in need of a periodic makeover! Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
Suggested readings: Proverbs 11:24; Deuteronomy 14:23; Malachi 3:10
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
An Un-Grammatical Life
To be grammatically correct, we
learned in elementary school proper
grammar from the little saying about ‘I and E’.
‘I before E ‘except after ‘C’.
With a few exceptions, grammatically speaking, “I’ is correctly
placed first. Society teaches the same, we live
in a society inundated by ‘I and ME’-- What’s in it for me, do what you want. Or we are tempted to live/think in the following format: I/You want……. need………deserve……are
entitled to……..etc.
To live the life
Jesus teaches us about we must discard proper grammar when it comes to "I", and put aside self-centered lifestyles.........and live un-grammatically-- so
to speak. We must strive to serve God
and others first. Deny ourselves ( Philippians 2:3, Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves).
The Christ-like platform and the Christians goal should be...........More of Thee/others, less of self. Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
Sunday, April 15, 2012
..........taken to the Cleaner
Psalm 51:10, "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me." We often feel we must clean-up before some event (e.g. our home before a visit from family/friends, perhaps watch what we eat before an annual physical/Dr. visit) and we ‘think' we must clean up our lives before we come to God. The Bible tells us that we can never be clean enough/sinless no matter what we do....simply put, it's not about what 'we' can/cannot do! God wants us to come as we are, humble ourselves, be obedient(not without sin as that is not possible). Then, He will do the ‘cleaning’ as we search Him and live obediently. Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Ask........for empty jars!
2 Kings 4:1-7
This story now speaks clearly to me. God often plans to meet our needs through others. Yet if we keep problems to ourselves, we might hinder His plan to bless our friends and broadcast His faithfulness. I'm learning to deny the lies of a prideful spirit in exchange for a humble plea for help. I need to trade my fierce independence for God's plan of community. The widow did as Elisha instructed. When she returned home, she started pouring. As each jar filled, her sons brought her another. They filled every borrowed jar with oil. Elisha then told her to sell the oil, pay the creditors and live off the rest. She did. What is interesting about this story is that the quantity of the miracle oil was in direct proportion to the number of neighbors she asked for help. If she had simply asked a few, that's all she would have received. She was instructed to ask many, and she abundantly received. The more people the widow asked for help, the greater God's provision. James 5:16, "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective……..It's past time to take off the masks, humble ourselves, submitting all to God.......sharing one another's burdens in love. Blessings in your pursuit…….TO
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Growth Opportunities
Trials.......those faith challenges(illness, loss of job, unfaithful spouse, unanswered prayers(at least the way we want them answered)…….. We must believe that God will answer. He will conclude "yes," "no," or "not right now." He is able, ready and willing to answer our prayers — here is the catch — as He sees fit and to grow us to be more like His Son in the process. “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."- Jeremiah 33. I must not merely seek the answer to my prayer. Instead, I must seek a deeper relationship with the answer Giver. Realize how significantly God can use inconvenience, interruption, and unlikely twists ……… Psalm 38:15, "I wait for you, O LORD; you will answer, O Lord my God." Romans 8:25, "But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently. What a powerful, loving and patient Creator we can know through obedience. What a friend we have in Jesus-the old hymn reminds us. One we can lean upon during the trials. This is not an easy task for we humans. I struggle, and I surmise all do. We may doubt, demonstrate fear and frustration, or even have sinful thoughts/attitudes. Yet, we must believe in His faithful promises. May we all thank God for His perfect plans... His perfect timing... and the perfect way His development happens in those times of waiting/searching. Blessings in your pursuit…….TO
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Remaining a Kid/Being Childlike!
I have often been labled as a big kid from close family and friends. I believe it can be beneficial, even healthy (physically and mentally) to have that mindset if properly kept in perspective. Of course there are times when that would not be appropriate as we need to grow and mature intellectually to effectively handle situations,decisions and trials as adults. What about spiritually? We are commanded to mature in our faith and knowledge of God’s word-which can only come via effort/time spent in His Holy Word. Yet, there are several instances where Jesus teaches us to be like children………..these are matters of the heart, our attitudes(Matt 18:1-4). Characteristics we could improve by remaining childlike in heart include: forgiveness- small children typically do not hold grudges-at least not very long; humbleness; pureness; more- trusting, gentleness, gratuitous, patient, kindness, and compassion. What can result is a life steeped in prayer, joy, service, and love towards others. All this helps to remind me that, just as a child is in need of caring/loving earthly parents, I need to acknowledge I am a child of God and dependant upon His care, love, compassion, patience, mercy………..……the list could go on. May we never lose the heart of a child-spiritually. Blessings in your pursuit…….TO
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Engaged in Reverse
We are taught to look forward, move ahead, and focus on the future. In some matters this is proper good advice. The problem is that this can cause us to quickly forget and lose focus. Some things need to be on constant recall-in 'reverse' so to speak. Otherwise, we may lose heart and forget/take for granted what our God does/has done for us. I believe we should often reflect on our abundant blessings and faithful moments from God. God may very well put us in ‘reverse’ to help remind us of His love and care. That is where I find myself-a time in reverse. I have had a blessed life with little to no major issues. That has changed drastically! The past 3 years have been anomalous-very challenging with a multitude of setbacks. I have complained, I have questioned God(the WHY?’s), I have doubted, I have struggled. Yet, this has been a time of valuable spiritual growth/refocus of what God expects from me. Difficulty, sadness, loneliness, anger have been a part of this process. I was reminded today that I need to ask myself ‘what am I going to do?’, and stop concentrating on ‘why’. Hosea 12:9 says, "I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt; I will make you live in tents again, as in the days of your appointed feasts." The Israelites had lost focus, forgotten what God had done for them. God taught them here the importance of remembering His faithfulness and what happens when we ‘move forward, look ahead and forget’. I still struggle, I don’t understand. As God continues to mold me and through searching His powerful words/scriptures, He will get me to where he expects my heart— humbleness, total surrender and trusting His current direction of my life. Not easy, but a spiritual renewal. Blessings in your pursuit…….TO
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Who's In Your House?
For some reason when I read 1 Peter 2:4-8 I kept thinking of the Papa John slogan,’Papa’s in the house’. To paraphrase, this passage tells us that when we come to the Living Stone-we become living stones being built into a spiritual house through Him/Jesus Christ. This steered my mind into wondering, who is really in my ‘house’- this fleshy shell that harbors ‘me’. Is it a life thirsting and seeking God, or is one of seeking earthly gain? Our ‘house’ is a reflection of one's true heart. Who is my leader, master, Lord? Is it something of this earth, or is it truly God and His Son, Jesus Christ? If we are living in true obedience, our ‘house’(lives, hearts, soul) made of flesh, should be formed and steeped with the Holy Spirit-the spirit of God-the cornerstone/capstone of life. Is our Heavenly Father your 'Papa', and is He truly in your 'house'.? Blessings in your pursuit…….TO
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Top to bottom…….what’s within me?
There is a song from one of my many favorite ‘older’ groups-Toto. It's called ‘Bottom of your soul’. The last part of the chorus says, “Always remember the voice in your head, Speaks to you when you're alone, And it comforts you, From the top of your heart to the bottom of your soul." When I listen to this I usually pause and reflect on what is presently flowing within me-from the top of my heart to the bottom(deep within) my soul. What influences(worldly/Satan or heavenly/God) am I tailoring to. Am I filled with self motives or compassion/ love towards others-filled with Jesus? Colossians 3:12 says, "Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience." Also, 1 Corinthians 13:2-8 says, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. As I have aged, I listen more intimately to terminology in songs, wondering what inspired the artist –what this meant to them. Thus, not only am I somewhat more selective in what I listen to, I find it uplifting when a song or a part of one causes me to challenge my spiritual walk. This song has me asking myself, ‘is worldliness or the comfort of the precious gift of the Holy Spirit resonating from my heart to deep inside my soul’? Blessings in your pursuit…….TO
Sunday, January 1, 2012
'Den of Thieves'
Have you ever attempted to hide something from someone? I’m certain we all have and perhaps been successful. One that cannot be fooled is our Almighty God. Oh, we try to hide our sin or mask over them, even misleading those around us…..but not God. It is there-what I will refer to as our ‘den of thieves’, that an attempt to disguise our hearts/lives will result in failure and disappointment from God. Jeremiah 7:9-11 reminds us of this clearly and verse 11 hits at the heart-“Has this house which bears my Name, become a den of thieves to you? But I have been watching!” declares the Lord. As thieves will hide from their actions to try to avoid authorities/to ‘feel safe’, if we are not careful, we too can try the same with our sin just as the people of Judah falsely trusted that the Temple could protect them in spite of their sin. God knows our every move/thought-He is watching! We cannot hide sin from God. There is no shelter or refuge except through the blood of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Blessings in your pursuit…….TO
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