Thursday, February 16, 2012

Engaged in Reverse

We are taught to look forward, move ahead, and focus on the future.  In some matters this is proper good advice.  The problem is that this can cause us to quickly forget and lose focus.   Some things need to be on constant recall-in 'reverse' so to speak.   Otherwise, we may lose heart and forget/take for granted what our God does/has done for us.  I believe we should often reflect on our abundant blessings and faithful moments from God.  God may very well put us in ‘reverse’ to help remind us of His love and care.  That is where I find myself-a time in reverse.  I have had a blessed life with little to no major issues.  That has changed drastically!  The past 3 years have been anomalous-very challenging with a multitude of setbacks.  I have complained, I have questioned God(the WHY?’s), I have doubted, I have struggled.  Yet, this has been a time of valuable spiritual growth/refocus of what God expects from me.  Difficulty, sadness, loneliness, anger have been a part of this process.  I was reminded today that I need to ask myself ‘what am I going to do?’,  and stop  concentrating on ‘why’.  Hosea 12:9 says, "I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt; I will make you live in tents again, as in the days of your appointed feasts."   The Israelites had lost focus, forgotten what God had done for them.  God taught them here the importance of remembering His faithfulness and what happens when we ‘move forward, look ahead and forget’.  I still struggle, I don’t understand.  As God continues to mold me and through searching His powerful words/scriptures, He will get me to where he expects my heart— humbleness, total surrender and trusting  His current direction of my life.  Not easy, but a spiritual renewal.  Blessings in your pursuit…….TO

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Who's In Your House?

For some reason when I read 1 Peter 2:4-8 I kept thinking of the Papa John slogan,’Papa’s in the house’.  To paraphrase, this passage tells us that when we come to the Living Stone-we become living stones being built into a spiritual house through Him/Jesus Christ.  This steered my mind into wondering, who is really in my ‘house’- this fleshy shell that harbors ‘me’.  Is it a life thirsting and seeking God, or is one of seeking earthly gain?  Our ‘house’ is a reflection of one's true heart.   Who is my leader, master, Lord?  Is it something of this earth, or is it truly God and His Son, Jesus Christ?  If we are living in true obedience, our ‘house’(lives, hearts, soul) made of flesh, should be formed and steeped with the Holy Spirit-the spirit of God-the cornerstone/capstone of life.  Is our Heavenly Father your 'Papa', and is He  truly in your 'house'.?  Blessings in your pursuit…….TO