Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Who is GOOD? Drop an "O"

I have lived my life sometimes with a prideful attitude by describing myself  as being a good person.  We all know how God views the proud and haughty!  While it may be true that I have lived a life more comprised of ‘good’ than "bad"-the fact finally hit straight to my heart the more I read the Bible.   NEWSFLASH!!!  I am sinful because I am human flesh-I AM NOT GOOD!-meaning I am not the source of any good things I have done/may do.  Sin is darkness/evil-opposite of God.  Scriptures tell us of the only source of GOOD, and that is our Almighty God.  Hence, who is GOOD-drop an ‘O’ which translates to GOD. God is good!   The more I study, I realize how unworthy I am of God’s goodness, patience, love, forgiveness-yet He freely gives and offers to all-desiring us to choose this obedience way of LIFE .  Good things should flow from those of us claiming to be Christians by God working in us in the form of the Holy Spirit.  We are simply vessels and instruments that God can use for good.  Satan has a knack for making us believe that it is about us-when it simply is not.  In Matthew 19:17 & Mark 10:18, Jesus tells the rich young man that there is only One who is good.  Even Jesus when called ‘Good teacher’, tells this man that no one is good except God alone. God is the source of all that is good. I now try to be more circumspect when I describe myself and/or when tempted to pat myself on the back for something ‘good I have done'!    Blessings in your pursuit…….TO    

Sunday, January 6, 2013


I do not know what the writer had in mind for this song or the implication.  The lyrics do promote an uncanny resemblance  to God's promises.  One comment said the following-It's about God making himself known to a person who has nothing left to live for.  The following is what I  perceive as a derived analogy of the song's chorus. It's what our God is all about and this chorus, as I interpret, provides a reminder regarding the Sovereign God we should strive to serve.  The song is called 'Believe' by one of my favorite bands......Trans Siberian Orchestra (TSO).

CHORUS                                                          ANALOGY

I am the way                                               He is the Way
I am the light                                              He is the Light
I am the dark inside the night                    He is our refuge/protector

I hear your hopes                                       He hears our prayers
I feel your dreams                                      He knows our thoughts
And in the dark I hear your screams          Our earnest pleas/petitions

Don't turn away                                          Be steadfast, keep my eye on Jesus
Just take my hand                                       Humbly seek God, embrace His love
And when you make your final stand         What will my decision be-to follow or disobey

I'll be right there                                         God never leaves us-we have free will/choice
I'll never leave                                            God is faithful to His promises
And all I ask of you is                                  Salvation is readily available to all
Do you BELIEVE that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He died for our sins, rose in 3 days, reigns in Heaven with our God?

I challenge each one to embrace the Word of God and grow in your belief- resting in His hope, promises, love and mercy.  Blessings in your pursuit.......TO