This an attempt to briefly paraphrase a story I came across a while back.
God appeared one night to a man while he slept and told him he had work for him to do. The Lord asked the man to push a large rock outside his cabin with all his might. The man did just after day, year after year. The man became worn out and discouraged more and more over time, feeling his efforts were in vain. Well, guess what? Satan enters the picture and places negative/discouraging thoughts about God and what he has not done for the man. He tried to convince the man that what God had instructed was impossible and that the man had failed.
In a disheartened stage, Satan asks the man, Why put all this effort? Just do the minimum, that is good enough. The man was planning to do just that, but decided to take this matter to God.
He asked the Lord, Why this long, dedicated service failed to move the rock? The compassionate Lord responded, My friend, I asked you to serve and you accepted-all I asked was for your to PUSH with all your strength, which you have faithfully done. I did not mention that you had to move the rock......just push. You were deceived to believe you had failed, yet you have built strength/muscle and have persevered/grown through opposition-your abilities are much greater than they were before.
The man's call was to be obedient by pushing, to exercise his faith and to trust in God's wisdom. Since he did indeed succeed and carry this out, the Lord tells the man. "I will now move the rock".
We often try to use our intellect to decipher what we think God wants....when all he wants/asks is for us to simply trust and obey. Yes, we should cultivate a faith that will move mountains, but understand that it is God that moves those mountains.
When everything seems to go wrong.......when life's trials get us down.......when others don't do
as we expect.......when finances are difficult.......when we simply do not understand the "why's"
.......JUST PUSH (PRAY UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENS). Blessings in your pursuit and as you 'just push'.......TO