My family has always enjoyed the Christmas season, baking goodies, family time, presents, etc. My father would, as we became older, had us read scripture and pray before diving into the presents. Having a daughter has allowed me the opportunity to continue with the heart of a child at Christmas. While I have played up the "fun" of what can be had at this time of year, I've tried to instill within my daughter the heart of Jesus Christ. Not just during this time of year should she only see or hear about our Blessed Redeemer and Savior. Yes, we have all heard it and probably said it,'Jesus Christ is the reason for the season'. While this is very true, my paradigm has changed to Jesus Christ is the reason period! For all occasions/life, this should be my thought process. It is a lifestyle we should aspire to live daily-the example of Jesus Christ. Our lives really should not change during a particular day, week or month-ever how one would define the Christmas Season. I believe Christians can enjoy Christmas and should celebrate our Lord's birth, life, death and resurrection. The challenge, at least for me, is to keep the commercialization into perspective and live obediently and enjoy the reason daily.
C-Christ, the reason, period!
R-Risen Lord
I-Immanuel, God with us
T-The King of Kings
A-Almighty God
S-Sacrificial Lamb.....................Merry Christmas, Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
Friday, December 11, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
God's Economy vs. Worldly Economy
It’s unfortunate that money consumes us. Whether we want to admit it or not, we probably put too much emphasis and trust in our bank accounts and investments/401K’s . Yes, they are necessary and important, God instructs us to take care of our family, be productive, prudent and not lazy. God is our refuge, He will protect. Why do I not place more trust in His economy where wealth exists in terms of peace, love, hope, protection, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self control. These are the things that last, and bring about eternal blessings-where our enemy cannot destroy us. We have seen recently what happens when trust is placed in humans…..Enron, Bernie Madoff, etc. How sad to see others greed hurt others. Yes, it takes money to live and we are to work for our keep. Too many folks are looking for the easy money making life, it’s all over the Internet and TV. I’ve got caught up in it myself at times thinking, Wow, that would be great to work 2-3 hrs from home each day and make a great living, spending time with family, doing charity work…….all great things . I’m not saying that would be wrong, but remember that good things usually demand much effort and work……”if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t”. Where is my trust? Who is my protector/refuge? Am I living for this temporary, Earthly life, or an eternal, Heavenly one? Psalm 17:14: "O Lord, by your hand save me from such men, from men of this world, whose reward is in this life. You still the hunger of those you cherish; their sons have plenty, and they store up wealth for their children." Blessings in your pursuit……TO
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The Search
In the 80’s there was a popular song title, “the Search is Over” by a group named Survivor. It was about finding that special someone that you wanted to be with forever, thus ending the search. Yes, that should be the case especially after you make an oath before others and God in the form of a wedding ceremony. Sadly, Satan is attacking/destroying this special God ordained bond. Well there is another search that should never cease. The continual quest/search to become more Christ-like. We will never even come close. A lifelong pursuit of God is what is commanded, never get complacent, proud, thinking we know it all or enough. I believe for the most part most of us acknowledge and accept this as truth. Yet, if we are not careful, we find ourselves easily distracted, putting other things before God and really not SEARCHING. Especially searching the word of God. I have been victim to this in the past-I’ve confessed, repented and asked for God’s forgiveness. My goal is to never lose the zeal to keep searching out God in my life. If you are one that has stopped your search, slowed down considerably, or perhaps never started your search of God…….today is the best time to resume/start again(the only time we are guaranteed is now). We find in Matthew 6:33: But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. I need to constantly examine myself to evaluate what it is I’m seeking/searching. Blessings in your pursuit…….TO
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Comparative Tendencies
Have you ever fantasized about being someone else? Perhaps a favorite athlete, or another celebrity. Probably most of us have. We are inundated with products, advertisements, entertainment revolving around appearance, status, wealth, etc. I find myself at times comparing myself to others, usually by means of looks and/or possessions? Why do we spend precious time with these matters? I don’t know for certain-human nature I guess. I do know that Satan is actively trying to sway our focus from Godliness to self. God created each one of us-We are all special in God’s sight. We should be more concerned about what our Almighty God thinks of us, and less on others opinions. More time/energy on serving others, less on self. We should stay in shape, eat right, take proper care of ourselves, etc.-All good things. The challenge is to be happy with ourselves, be who we are-each one special. There is a song that I like called, “Specialty” the chorus says, 'Bout time you realized You are a specialty There is no one like you, Spend your life worrying 'Bout what you could have been Can't you like being you. Scripture teaches us the same. We read in Ephesians 2:10: "For I am God's beautiful masterpiece. He has created me anew in Christ Jesus, so I can do the good things He planned for me long ago." Just some thoughts on one of life’s challenges that can easily consume us. Blessings in your pursuit…….TO
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Most of the time I speak of “my things”. Check out “my” car, come to “my” house, “my money”, and so on. Today, I was reminded again that these Earthly items are in fact from God. They are His! He has blessed me with “things” some for necessity purposes, others for convenience and some for discretionary enjoyment. Do I truly see my possessions as God’s, given to me to use for awhile for His purpose/service? While I do not consider myself a pack-rat, I have kept many things over my lifetime. Most, never to be used or looked at-at least not very often. It is difficult to let go of certain memorabilia and I’m not advocating that it is wrong to keep some, not at all. Although, I think we must strive diligently to not allow these possessions to control our lives. Like it or not, we live in a material world- Madonna even sang a song about it. However, we do not have to subscribe to this-we live in this world, we are not to live for this world. God calls us to be different. Matthew 6:19-20 tells us not to store up treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal, but store up treasures in Heaven. The key is, FOCUS. It can either be Earthly/self or Heaven/Christ focused. I’ll end with the missionary martyr Jim Elliot's famous words, "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." Blessings in your pursuit…….TO
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
A Christ-centered M.O.
M.O.- Latin for Modus operandi and is defined as the method of operating/functioning, habits, mannerisms. For too long I operated as if I was in control, looking at Earthly means for a successful life. Looking back, I have focused on measuring up to/trusting in the temporary items that make up life here. Of course there are inevitable Earthly components that are needed for existence. We need to give the glory to the source and not in the material objects. I believe God wants us to enjoy life on Earth. True happiness comes from a Christ-centered life(M.O). Herein lies the purpose of our existence. I must constantly ask myself, am I living for myself, or for my Creator, Savior, Redeemer. We can serve our Lord and others as well as take time for ourselves. Life happens and there are trials/struggles, while not enjoyable, there is great value and learning from them. I am trying to improve on being mindful of my priorities and asking a few basic questions: Is God truly first in my life?, How do I spend my time(time management), What am I living for? As I’m getting older(hopefully wiser too), I realize time is precious, you cannot save or re-live it(wouldn’t that be nice at times?). Perspectives and priorities are changing. My goal is to not waste a minute of the time God gives me here, to be pro-active, and make a positive impact on those whose lives I am a part of. There is much work to be accomplished. I look forward to developing a more Christ-centered M.O. Blessings in your pursuit…….TO.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
The Original GPS
Many folks by now have one or have used a GPS. Another technological wonder tool(maps were OK, however with more limitations). I can easily get lost in unfamiliar territory. Thus, what comfort to have access to an immediate guide. I believe the same holds true spiritually. I like to think of a spiritual GPS for guidance, comfort, peace, hope, love and salvation. This GPS could have many names such as: 1) God’s Plan of Salvation. 2) Grace, Peace & Savior. 3) God is my Personal Savior. 4) God, the Power Source. 5) God’s Perfect Son.
Yes, we also have immediate access to the ultimate GPS with obedience to God and through Jesus Christ. One caveat is that we have a tendency to not use this precious gift effectively. Seeking out the spiritual GPS in times of suffering and neglecting during the “good times” seems to be a human inclination. A favorite theme from “Facing the Giants” is, we will give God the glory, win or lose. Also, from a Casting Crowns song comes the phrase, I will praise you in the storm. I need constant self examination to keep focus, and to trust God ALWAYS during good times, the struggles and when I’m off course/lost and in need of my spiritual GPS. Blessings in your pursuit…….TO.
Yes, we also have immediate access to the ultimate GPS with obedience to God and through Jesus Christ. One caveat is that we have a tendency to not use this precious gift effectively. Seeking out the spiritual GPS in times of suffering and neglecting during the “good times” seems to be a human inclination. A favorite theme from “Facing the Giants” is, we will give God the glory, win or lose. Also, from a Casting Crowns song comes the phrase, I will praise you in the storm. I need constant self examination to keep focus, and to trust God ALWAYS during good times, the struggles and when I’m off course/lost and in need of my spiritual GPS. Blessings in your pursuit…….TO.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Personal Construction Site
Have you ever thought of yourself as a construction site? We are God's vessels here on Earth. Our bodies are his Living Temple. How/what is the maintenance plan? Just like a new building, things typically look good with few problems early on. Still yet, little things need attention so that larger issues do not develop later. There are some remarkable looking landmarks in this world, however, some may appear in order from the outside, but in need of work on the inside. Outer beauty is great, however, temporary(although technology has advanced so as to prolong to an extent). It it is the inward allure that can endure for a lifetime. Yet, sometimes we spend more effort on the external appearance than internal. We as humans can not truly know the inner psyche of one another. We certainly do a good job of masking it at times towards others. God knows, we will not deceive Him. It is vital that we share our burdens(with others and with God) and not keep them inside, building up to the point of possible destruction of our vessel. Our outer and inner being when properly maintained is key for our spiritual, physical and psychological wellness. One of my favorite hymns is "Purer in Heart, O God". That is the inner goal we should strive for as we are commanded by God.... Purer in heart, O God, help me to be;May I devote my life wholly to Thee:Watch Thou my wayward feet,Guide me with counsel sweet;Purer in heart, help me to be.Purer in heart, O God, help me to be;Teach me to do Thy will most lovingly;Be Thou my Friend and Guide,Let me with Thee abide;Purer in heart, help me to be.Purer in heart, O God, help me to be;Until Thy holy face one day I see:Keep me from secret sin,Reign Thou my soul within;Purer in heart, help me to be. Excuse me as I depart to perform more personal construction. Blessings in your pursuit. TO
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Fired up!
When I think of fire, I see insurmountable destruction, unbearable heat and of course a nice wiener roast during a crisp/cool autumn evening. I had a kitchen fire in my first house, there was damage and also inconvenience(one of my favorite rooms, that's where the chocolate/sweets are located....well, food in general). Where was I, oh, after the remodeling was complete, there was a beautiful, quaint, little kitchen. When something is exposed to fire, the usual result-something is destroyed. God shows us further what results from fire. Malachi 3: 2-3 makes reference to the effect on precious metals (such as silver in this passage) when exposed to fire. Purification of the silver results. I don't like the "fires of life", you probably do not either. They are not enjoyable, the question is... do we truly trust God and have the faith to let Him mold us. Our impurities can be set free when we've been "fired up" through trials during our life journey. Only through exposure to the heat, can we become pure(not perfect of course) through Jesus Christ. We are sinful by nature, God will cleanse/purify if we allow Him through our obedience. Is it a challenge and a constant battle during these "fires"? bet. My natural reaction is to complain, feel overwhelmed, doubt and question God. That is how Satan wants me to act. I'm anxiously waiting for the day God reels out the fire hose and puts the current fires in my life to rest- to see the refinement He has in store. I'm trying to improve at praising Him during the good and difficult times, always giving glory to God. Let's share each others burdens and pray for one another. Blessings in your pursuit. TO
Are you a character, or do you exemplify character?
I'm certain that I've been a character at times(ask my family or friends). I like to goof off and be a "big kid" at times and I believe that has it's place and can be therapeutic-everyone has their way to unwind. Hopefully though, it is with character. Just like any daily activities, we should strive to live Christlike, full of enriching qualities. I know, that's just not "cool" sometimes. However, we are called to be different, not to conform to the world. The world is filled with many types of characters-good and bad. Character is distinguished with qualities such as honesty, courage, integrity, respect, and honor. One disheartening aspect of today is diminishing core values. Respect and courtesy seems to be often replaced with blame and indifference. We live in the "I" society, we are too busy. When is the last time you heard, "Yes ma'am/sir, a sincere thank you/greeting". Yes, it happens. However, it does not seem to be a common/natural way of life anymore. I think one of the best things we can teach our kids/young ones is respectfulness, love one another.....basically, teach them to be of character. Guess what? Don't forget that these little eyes and ears are observing/hearing us! What are we teaching/demonstrating in our actions? I strive to be of character, I do fail at times. Thank God for his patience/love. I challenge myself and all who may read this to continually allow God to mold us into His likeness/image.......blessings in your pursuit. TO
God's glory revealed in our trials
I have had some thoughts recently(yes, my brain does still function occasionally) and wanted to share them. Some should be challenging to us all. Some, you may think differently about(that is perfectly fine), most should be encouraging and uplifting to each of us. I became a Christian when I was baptized at 12 years old. I have had a blessed life, caring Christian parents, good health, and as I became an adult-a job to support a family. Things were really great, but as I look back now as I become older(now I need the wiser part), how often did I spend time/energy on things I felt I needed or deserved and less on the Great Blessings God provides. These past two years have been the toughest of my life journey, yet perhaps the most productive in terms of faith and character building. Sure, I believe I am and always have been a good person, husband, father and friend. While that is very important and commanded by God,I realize that I have taken too much for granted and have been content and relying too heavily on "playing church"(punching my time card) and being a good person. But God calls us to a higher standard. I am ashamed how little time I have spent reading God's word, I still do not read it near enough, however, what time I have spent reading these past months,as well as some good friends and family, has giving me strength to endure. My faith, while always incomplete, has grown. As I get older(hard to believe but yes it's true), I realize how little I do know especially when it comes to our Almighty God. I try to tell him what I need and when-who am I to do so. God does not have to answer to me. He knows what I need and when. We(I) want things yesterday...NOW. The simple question is.....Do I truly believe and trust God. Am I living my life that way- sometimes, perhaps. It is easy when things are going good(as they have most of my life)-but was I growing then? Now/presently is the biggest test in my faith/belief. Thank God for his LOVE and PATIENCE. I was just going through some notes and was reminded of the example of Abraham. The promise of a son at an advanced age, a long period of silence from God(like 25 years), then the birth of Isaac(Abraham was about 100 then). Yet, Abraham did not waiver-he believed God. Is it any wonder why he is called "Father of our Faith". I tend to waiver/doubt at 25 minutes, 25 hours, or even 25 days. If God promised me a child-I'd probably get impatient at waiting 9 months....25 years-WOW! What a lesson in trust/patience. I want to challenge us all to invest more time in the scriptures. Take away some time from other areas(whether it is TV, the Internet, sports, hobbies,work,etc)-these are Earthly/temporary things. What we will gain from God's Word will be Eternal. We are commanded to study and show ourselves approved(2 Tim 2:15). We will be accountable for the knowledge we have or lack thereof. Maybe I'm the only one that struggles with this.........but I doubt it. I think maybe I am for the first time really trying to trust God and allow Him to be in control(which he always was anyway) and not think I am in control. I still have a long way to go. Remember, we are the clay, God is the potter(Isaiah 64:8). He will continually mold us throughout our lives if we submit, allow and trust Him to do so. One of my goals is to no longer choose to allow anyone/anything rob me of the JOY that God so abundantly supplies. Time is fleeing, life is short-I'm taking some chances in life now(I've never been much of a risk taker-usually very conservative/methodical-some things should be treated that way). I'm tired of wondering/focusing on the "what if's" and the "only if's" of life. I'm trying to allow God to control more and not me(loosening my grip on things-putting it in God's hands/care). May we always count our blessings and not focus so much on the trials of life(again, what a JOY robber). I want to be more praying, encouraging, and share the wonderful gift of Jesus with many. God gave us this gift-why do we(I) keep it to myself and not share the GOOD NEWS of JESUS? I'll close by saying, we complicate things so much by concentrating on life on Earth. God does what us to be happy here, but not to be attached to life here. We are here to serve God and others-not our self. He wants what is best and that is to be Heaven focused and be ready for eternity with HIM. Blessings in your pursuit. TO
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