Tuesday, September 29, 2009

God's glory revealed in our trials

I have had some thoughts recently(yes, my brain does still function occasionally) and wanted to share them. Some should be challenging to us all. Some, you may think differently about(that is perfectly fine), most should be encouraging and uplifting to each of us. I became a Christian when I was baptized at 12 years old. I have had a blessed life, caring Christian parents, good health, and as I became an adult-a job to support a family. Things were really great, but as I look back now as I become older(now I need the wiser part), how often did I spend time/energy on things I felt I needed or deserved and less on the Great Blessings God provides. These past two years have been the toughest of my life journey, yet perhaps the most productive in terms of faith and character building. Sure, I believe I am and always have been a good person, husband, father and friend. While that is very important and commanded by God,I realize that I have taken too much for granted and have been content and relying too heavily on "playing church"(punching my time card) and being a good person. But God calls us to a higher standard. I am ashamed how little time I have spent reading God's word, I still do not read it near enough, however, what time I have spent reading these past months,as well as some good friends and family, has giving me strength to endure. My faith, while always incomplete, has grown. As I get older(hard to believe but yes it's true), I realize how little I do know especially when it comes to our Almighty God. I try to tell him what I need and when-who am I to do so. God does not have to answer to me. He knows what I need and when. We(I) want things yesterday...NOW. The simple question is.....Do I truly believe and trust God. Am I living my life that way- sometimes, perhaps. It is easy when things are going good(as they have most of my life)-but was I growing then? Now/presently is the biggest test in my faith/belief. Thank God for his LOVE and PATIENCE. I was just going through some notes and was reminded of the example of Abraham. The promise of a son at an advanced age, a long period of silence from God(like 25 years), then the birth of Isaac(Abraham was about 100 then). Yet, Abraham did not waiver-he believed God. Is it any wonder why he is called "Father of our Faith". I tend to waiver/doubt at 25 minutes, 25 hours, or even 25 days. If God promised me a child-I'd probably get impatient at waiting 9 months....25 years-WOW! What a lesson in trust/patience. I want to challenge us all to invest more time in the scriptures. Take away some time from other areas(whether it is TV, the Internet, sports, hobbies,work,etc)-these are Earthly/temporary things. What we will gain from God's Word will be Eternal. We are commanded to study and show ourselves approved(2 Tim 2:15). We will be accountable for the knowledge we have or lack thereof. Maybe I'm the only one that struggles with this.........but I doubt it. I think maybe I am for the first time really trying to trust God and allow Him to be in control(which he always was anyway) and not think I am in control. I still have a long way to go. Remember, we are the clay, God is the potter(Isaiah 64:8). He will continually mold us throughout our lives if we submit, allow and trust Him to do so. One of my goals is to no longer choose to allow anyone/anything rob me of the JOY that God so abundantly supplies. Time is fleeing, life is short-I'm taking some chances in life now(I've never been much of a risk taker-usually very conservative/methodical-some things should be treated that way). I'm tired of wondering/focusing on the "what if's" and the "only if's" of life. I'm trying to allow God to control more and not me(loosening my grip on things-putting it in God's hands/care). May we always count our blessings and not focus so much on the trials of life(again, what a JOY robber). I want to be more praying, encouraging, and share the wonderful gift of Jesus with many. God gave us this gift-why do we(I) keep it to myself and not share the GOOD NEWS of JESUS? I'll close by saying, we complicate things so much by concentrating on life on Earth. God does what us to be happy here, but not to be attached to life here. We are here to serve God and others-not our self. He wants what is best and that is to be Heaven focused and be ready for eternity with HIM. Blessings in your pursuit. TO

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