If not circumspect, we can easily get caught up in the busyness/rush/stress of life.......in particular the time of year-the holiday season. During the holidays our goal should be to dwell more on the gratitude of Jesus birth and not of focusing on the details, the perfect gift, party, foods, decorations.....and so on--Does this sound a little familiar? Martha comes to mind (Luke 10:38-42), she was so consumed with the tasks at hand (not necessarily a bad thing), however, she lost sight of One more important.....the visiting Jesus. What matters most is the need and opportunity to seek Jesus and spend time with Him-a lesson Martha learned. I challenge all of us to contemplate regularly the following: What are we seeking; What is important; What do we spend our time and energy on. May we always be thankful and train our hearts (as well as our children, and others we come into contact with during our precious lives) towards our Savior-instead on inconsequential/temporary matters (Colossians 3:2). We are so blessed to be a child of the Almighty God....let's not miss out through the busyness/stress.
Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
Monday, December 9, 2013
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Light It Up!
I often wonder am I truly being the light of Jesus that God expects me to be. Is my life (through Jesus) so non conforming to this world, that others will see the glory of Zion and be drawn to Him. Isaiah 60:1-3 says, “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.
See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you
and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn. Jesus is the light of this world, a constant, our Redeemer and Saviour. May we always allow Jesus to shine in our lives so boldly that others will seek this joy and salvation. As we ask, seek and knock......may God fill us with His presence. May my goal in life be to-- Light It (the world) Up for the sake of Christ. Daniel 12:3, Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.
See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you
and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn. Jesus is the light of this world, a constant, our Redeemer and Saviour. May we always allow Jesus to shine in our lives so boldly that others will seek this joy and salvation. As we ask, seek and knock......may God fill us with His presence. May my goal in life be to-- Light It (the world) Up for the sake of Christ. Daniel 12:3, Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Attention (Gift of Listening)
We live in a world of "busyness" and something else I refer to as "technological deafness". There are many daily items/activities that compete for our attention......some good, others not. Multi-tasking has come to the forefront in order for us to feel we are maximizing our energy, time and efforts. While this is sometime somewhat unavoidable/necessary in accomplishing tasks at hand, it can be very detrimental to our communication process. This leaves gaps, chances for misunderstandings and selective hearing tends to rule. Time, people, relationships are vital to us........the goal should be to place our efforts where most important. This should include: our faith/time with God, our family (spouse, children, extended family), other relationships/serving, work/providing. A tall order for our daily lives where time seems to quickly vanish. In the scheme of life on this earth, we are but a vapor and time is short. May we make it a habit to stop and give out UNDIVIDED attention in our relationships. To me, this is a most precious gift to give someone.....indicating they are important and we care for them by setting aside other priorities and for the time it takes to fully/completely LISTEN. I need God's help, mercy and blessings in this matter--I'm certain all can relate.
We all long to be wanted/heard/loved by those dearest and special to us. We always EXPECT others to LISTEN TO US- this includes our God (Psalm 54:2). We offer prayers, expecting answers we want (Psalm 17:6). If we have these desired outcome from others, why do we struggle with the busyness/technology gadgets when we are here to serve and not be served. May we always avoid being PHYSICALLY PRESENT, yet MENTALLY ABSENT......by extending the GIFT OF ATTENTIVE LISTENING ( Luke 2:46). Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
We all long to be wanted/heard/loved by those dearest and special to us. We always EXPECT others to LISTEN TO US- this includes our God (Psalm 54:2). We offer prayers, expecting answers we want (Psalm 17:6). If we have these desired outcome from others, why do we struggle with the busyness/technology gadgets when we are here to serve and not be served. May we always avoid being PHYSICALLY PRESENT, yet MENTALLY ABSENT......by extending the GIFT OF ATTENTIVE LISTENING ( Luke 2:46). Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
Friday, October 4, 2013
WHAT? I am usually curious of acronyms. I work in a government setting, so I have ample opportunities to discover new acronyms--there seems to be one for just about anything. Often times they spell out an actual word, other times they look like this title. When I see unfamiliar acronyms, I find myself tantalized to figure it out, trying my best to match possible words pertaining to the material at hand that could encompass this shortcut meaning.
So, FMEOJ-are you like me and have attempted to solve? Well, here it is....Fixing My Eyes On Jesus! This should be our daily goal, our modus operandi (MO), seeking God to fend off Satan's temptations. In Matthew 14:29-30, Peter takes his eyes/focus off Jesus on the water and begins to sink. That is what happens in our lives as we fixate on other means in an effort to satisfy us. God's loving grace is sufficient-even during those difficult trials we face.....do we live like we believe this? I often fail especially when I do not FMEOJ and try to resolve issues my way. We need reminded often. May we truly seek Him first, look to the Lord, thanking and praising Him in the good times and the bad. Proverbs 4:25-27 suggests similar advise.......Let your eyes look straight ahead;
fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil. Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
So, FMEOJ-are you like me and have attempted to solve? Well, here it is....Fixing My Eyes On Jesus! This should be our daily goal, our modus operandi (MO), seeking God to fend off Satan's temptations. In Matthew 14:29-30, Peter takes his eyes/focus off Jesus on the water and begins to sink. That is what happens in our lives as we fixate on other means in an effort to satisfy us. God's loving grace is sufficient-even during those difficult trials we face.....do we live like we believe this? I often fail especially when I do not FMEOJ and try to resolve issues my way. We need reminded often. May we truly seek Him first, look to the Lord, thanking and praising Him in the good times and the bad. Proverbs 4:25-27 suggests similar advise.......Let your eyes look straight ahead;
fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil. Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
Friday, September 13, 2013
Recipe For Life
Those who know me best, are aware that I am no stranger to the kitchen and I do not mind cooking--especially desserts. I recently came across this fantastic recipe I wanted to share. This one is more important than any food variety.
RECIPE FOR LIFE (Author Unknown):
Begin with a bowl of JOY
Add a heaping spoonful of GRATITUDE
Fold in a dollop of KINDNESS
Stir in a handful of FORGIVENESS
Sprinkle liberally with LOVE and cover with PEACE
Always serve with a large side of FAITH
Feed others, your family and yourself DAILY
While the earthly author may be unknown, we know where the principles of this teaching and examples come from..........our HEAVENLY FATHER.
Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
RECIPE FOR LIFE (Author Unknown):
Begin with a bowl of JOY
Add a heaping spoonful of GRATITUDE
Fold in a dollop of KINDNESS
Stir in a handful of FORGIVENESS
Sprinkle liberally with LOVE and cover with PEACE
Always serve with a large side of FAITH
Feed others, your family and yourself DAILY
While the earthly author may be unknown, we know where the principles of this teaching and examples come from..........our HEAVENLY FATHER.
Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Entertained by.......?
Why do I make ‘entertainment
choices that I know my Heavenly Father does not approve and considers it
sin?………that same sin that His only
son, Jesus, went to the cross, dying for these iniquities. Our
modern society is infatuated with being
entertained. We Christians are not to
conform to worldliness, we are to be different, a shining light reflective of
Jesus--(Matt 5:14-16; Acts 13:17). Lev.
20:26 says, "You are to be holy to me because I, the Lord, am holy, and I
have set you apart from the nations to be my own" God makes it clear that the wages of sin is
eternal death-do I really embrace this and think of Godliness and purity when I
make my ‘entertainment’ choices. I do
not watch much TV, but one of my favorite sitcoms was Seinfeld. While I found each cast member very talented
and humorous, the majority of the episodes comprise of sinful connotations-I am
weaning myself from this once favorite ‘entertainment’ option. It’s disappointing there are not more wholesome
venues—Thank God for Sherwood Baptist Church and their movies as well as others. I admire folks like actor Kirk Cameron who has put his talents to work for the Lord. All Christians collectively should and must
stand firm, take action and support one another. How lightly we often treat sin today! Why have we conformed to watering down Biblical standards and what is acceptable? Jesus, the Lamb of God, paid the ultimate
price in giving His life. He allowed His
own blood to be shed so that He could be the Sacrifice of all sacrifices. He was the final and complete sacrifice. Jesus' death set us free from sin and death
and paved our way to a life of holiness.
That is the cost of sin and the price of forgiveness. I have
a choice to make. I could continue to
laugh at things that the Bible clearly calls sin and turn my back on the gift
that I had been given, or I can choose holiness. I'm sure this will be an ongoing struggle as God calls me to evaluate my
entertainment, but I'm choosing to win one small victory at a time. Do not conform.......be the light of Jesus. Blessings in your pursuit of choosing your
Friday, August 9, 2013
Entitled or Entrusted
I occasionally listen to talk
radio in an attempt to keep abreast of current events. What is disheartening though is that
controversy and argumentative discourse is the norm. Whether it be from listeners calling in or
from the host, I cannot help but feel as though most people believe we are
entitled to wealth, health, satisfaction
to all needs/wants, etc. The truth is that
while certain rights were drawn up in our Constitution and have endured
throughout our history, we are not promised or guaranteed such a life. What we do have-which is usually an abundance here in
America, are blessings from our Almighty God.
He has entrusted these to us for the purpose of serving others and to
praise and glorify our God. Luke 12: 48b
says, “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; from the
one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked. Luke 16:1-15 illustrates on being good
stewards of what God provides. The
challenge that I must battle is what attitude am I showing to those around me
when life is not dealing the cards I think I am ‘entitled’ to? Do others here me complaining, doubting,
being negative? Or do I, no matter the
circumstances, display thankfulness for the blessings I have been entrusted
with? Do I demonstrate trust and
obedience to God during the storms. This
is another constant battle that I struggle with especially with the entitlement
tone which seems to inundate our daily lives and society. The good news, God is
faithful in His promises to the obedient.
Blessings in your pursuit…….TO
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Take a Walk
One of my favorite songs by the group Acappella is called ‘Walking that line’. The
chorus goes like this….I’m walking that line never look back; I’m walking that
line I’m on the right track; I’m never alone He’s holding my hand; everything’s fine ‘cause I’m walking that
line to the Promise Land. The scriptures
are filled with promises from our God-promises that He faithfully
fulfills. I must ask myself that even
during trials do I trust and believe in these promises? Do I continue to walk in line with
Christ? One of the song’s versus says…..
‘though my feet may often stumble, I will not be down for long……….so when Satan's
poison darts are thrown, I will look back on these challenges just to see how
much I’ve grown’. What a powerful
reminder of the benefit of walking with Christ daily. If we
walk the line, we are better prepared
for the trials of life-God will provide a way out. He is there for us......to comfort, provide strength and deliver us. We can grow closer to
Him…….on our way to the Promise Land.
Which direction are you walking today? Blessings in your pursuit…….TO
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Wake Up!
I used to travel for work some
and the times I had to stay overnight I would usually get the courtesy wake up
call. Our time is precious to us and
very demanding from a multitude of sources.
After a night of rest and when the call comes-it’s off we go. What about
spiritually? If we do not continually steep ourselves in God’s Word, we
probably will often be asleep spiritually.
A Casting Crown’s song,’While You Were Sleeping’, reminds me the need to
be vigilant about my faith walk. Looking
and searching to share Jesus and not simply going through the motions……….being
spiritually asleep. May we consider life's challenges and demands a a
spiritual ‘wake up call’- to allow our pride to subside to a humble and thankful heart. Let’s put to
practice what we know God placed us here for………to serve God, others (the poor, widowed, disadvantaged, the hurting)....not
ourselves. May we never be caught spiritually
asleep any longer. How will you respond to those 'wake up calls' in your life? Blessings in your
Sunday, June 16, 2013
A Faith without limits!
Here on earth and inside the human mind there lies a
multitude of boundaries. A few of these
include: Countries, States, Cities,
Laws, Sports Fields/Courts, Property Lines, Speed Limits, personal boundaries/limitations,
etc. My mind has been trained to stay
within boundaries(each has the intent to provide a society with proper
structure/fairness/protection and so forth).
These boundaries/rules are commanded to be obeyed(see Heb 13:7). We are so overwhelmed with boundaries and
limitations that it is easy to place constraints to every facet of life. The good news- our Almighty God has
no limits. The challenge- to not have a faith
with limitations. Mark 9:23 says, everything is possible to
those who believe. Matt 19:26/Luke 1:37 says, Nothing is impossible with God. We have a powerful Savior without
limits/boundaries, yet I often fall short in truly believing He can do
anything. Thank God for His Word-the
Scriptures-as a reference and resource to help erase the boundaries I naturally
(or through learned response) want to place around God. They say we only use about 10% of our
brain/cognitive capacity. I wonder how
much power of God I am missing due to unbelief--placing
reigns/constraints/limits on a boundless God. Philippians
4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens
me. Blessings in your pursuit…….TO
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Not Us
We are daily inundated with the ‘I/Me’ focus in our present day societal culture. If not circumspect in our attitude, we can
easily be duped into the fallacy that we can do anything ourselves……..our
efforts/merit. We also tend to view
life events in terms of ‘what’s in it for me’! Many passages in God’s Word show us to think
less of self and more of others. Deuteronomy. 8:17-18 warns of an egocentric heart- You may say to yourself, "My power and the strength of
my hands have produced this wealth for me." But remember the LORD your God, for it is he
who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant,
which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today. The true source is not us……..but our Awesome God. He gives freely, He loves abundantly. As we journey through this life, perhaps our
mindset should be, ‘what’s in it(my life) for the Lord’! Am I recognizing the source of
blessings(children, faithful spouse, jobs, life needs, church, etc)? Do I honor God in my actions with all He
entrusts to me? Recognize, Trust, Honor,
Praise, and Give Thanks daily to our faithful God. Blessings in your pursuit…….TO
Thursday, May 16, 2013
The Focus Of Our Labor
John 6:27…….Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man
will give you. On him God the Father has placed his seal of
approval. One of life’s most daunting
tasks for me has been balancing meaningful life activities. We must have a job to support ourselves and a
family.; we must spend time with our kid’s to instruct them in godly
ways and to show love towards them-not because we have to, but that we get to do so; we
should thirst to serve others (not ourselves/deny self); we must steep our
minds in God’s Holy Word; we………….and so
on- I’m certain you get the point. WOW!
Life can be demanding, but it is the most precious gift. If we are not careful, life will quickly pass
us by and we may seem void/empty and let worldliness strip us of the joy God
wants for us. Perhaps it is passages
such as John 6:27 that are inspirationally spoken to us to remind that our
ultimate focus should be in things eternal and not of earthly spoils. It is a tough balance as we cannot neglect
our jobs or our family and others. We
will go through life phases were our demands are altered (as kids grow up/go on
their own, etc). All these stages will
have opportunities to serve others and our Creator. I think we get duped into believing we
must/can do it all………..all the time. I
have learned (by mistakes) that we must focus on the demands of each stage of
life, embracing these precious blessings as we journey through our lives. However, always keeping our plans/focus on
the eternal as we take care of the
temporal. Blessings in your pursuit…….TO
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
This post is
inspired by a scene in a movie (Coming to America) and a couple friends that
share similar comedic “goofyness” (Craig and Cindy )…….In the scene, the characters
are at a special church service and the time comes to take an offering for a
special cause/need. As the offering
containers are being passed through the rows, one gentleman who is so consumed
in the singing/entertainment(term loosely used)- he places his trash in the
offering plate. Another character quickly confronts
him on what he has done and get’s the response….”I thought is was the
trash”………..This prompts me to consider this--how does my heart/attitude reflect my giving?, whether it be time, alms/money, service. When I am
giving am I doing it cheerfully or is my attitude “trash”- giving something
because I feel compelled to/or have to in order to satisfy a commandment. A genuine
giving heart does so because we can (through what God has given us). We give through denying ourselves-our best,
first fruits…..not the leftovers (or the trash). Giving/serving is an attitude of joy,
thanksgiving, praise, honor and glory. When we reach a mature giving attitude, we do so joyfully to help others and to spread the Good News. Whatever we give, is not our own......It's God's gift/blessing He has entrusted us with to serve Him/others. Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
What is our measuring stick on what we are contentment? In Philippians 4:11-13, Paul encourages us to be content in all circumstances-God is our strength. It is extremely difficult in today's instant information society via the Internet/social media to keep our focus from wandering. It is very easy to compare our lives with others as we can stay up to date and often with too much detail. One issue we must consider is where our heart and attitude is when it comes to many facets of daily life. Are we attempting to please God and focus on His Word.....or perhaps we are more in tune with our Facebook friend's status and what they had for breakfast! I firmly believe good can be used from technology, but there is much room for improper use as well.......much like it is with about anything in this world.
Comparing our lives and circumstances we find ourselves with humanity will usually lead us to being unsatisfied, distraught, envy, pride,jealousy, etc. (see Proverbs 14:30). Comparing our lives and attitudes with our Creator God should humble us and bring us to our knees, asking for His abundant love and mercy. Only in Christ can we find the peace that passes all understanding and the strength to endure this race........fighting the good fight. I challenge each one to embrace the Word, pray, meditate and keep looking/searching upward. God loves us all and extends His love and mercy to keep the faith and experience the assurance of His promises. Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
Comparing our lives and circumstances we find ourselves with humanity will usually lead us to being unsatisfied, distraught, envy, pride,jealousy, etc. (see Proverbs 14:30). Comparing our lives and attitudes with our Creator God should humble us and bring us to our knees, asking for His abundant love and mercy. Only in Christ can we find the peace that passes all understanding and the strength to endure this race........fighting the good fight. I challenge each one to embrace the Word, pray, meditate and keep looking/searching upward. God loves us all and extends His love and mercy to keep the faith and experience the assurance of His promises. Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
Monday, April 1, 2013
Take H.E.A.R.T
I read a recent devotional that is the inspiration for this post. It used the acronym HEART to place a challenge upon mine-I want to share with you. We should always take time to examine our heart, mind, soul, attitudes and our lives. Comparing these life essentials to our God and Him alone, not to any human as we sometimes feel compelled to react. Take a look at this H.E.A.R.T and renew your spirit and draw closer to the Source.
H- Humble your heart to the Lord
E- Examine your life experiences and current circumstances, use these to allow God to
train/mold/equip us to grow
A- Apply your gifts, talents and abilities to a life of service to others and God
R- Read God's Word-The Holy Bible, to show thyself approved. Putting on the full
armour can only come from spending time with Him in study and prayer
T- Trust God's perfect timing and plans for us; Focus on His promises and power; Loosen
our grip and release through total submission to Him
How is your HEART?......What do you feel called to do for our Lord?..... Matthew 7:7-8 tells us to Ask, Seek and Knock. I challenge us all to take God out of our box and open our minds and eyes.
Take H.E.A.R.T. Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
H- Humble your heart to the Lord
E- Examine your life experiences and current circumstances, use these to allow God to
train/mold/equip us to grow
A- Apply your gifts, talents and abilities to a life of service to others and God
R- Read God's Word-The Holy Bible, to show thyself approved. Putting on the full
armour can only come from spending time with Him in study and prayer
T- Trust God's perfect timing and plans for us; Focus on His promises and power; Loosen
our grip and release through total submission to Him
How is your HEART?......What do you feel called to do for our Lord?..... Matthew 7:7-8 tells us to Ask, Seek and Knock. I challenge us all to take God out of our box and open our minds and eyes.
Take H.E.A.R.T. Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Being an obedient follower of Christ (Christian), is an action. James 1:22-25, "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do". We can hear the word all we want, know the word/law (Pharisee's) --yet not be pleasing to our God. It's only when we apply/submit our lives by: seeking the lost, praising God, being the light in a sinful world can we bring glory and honor to our King. We have all heard the saying 'practice makes perfect'-very apropos to our faith walk. We must 'be on guard' (Proverbs 4:23) to protect our hearts from being hardened.
I challenge us all, myself included, to put our faith in constant action, making our lives a self sacrifice for Christ. Focus on the eternal (upward) and do not conform to the desire of earthly treasures. Are you a "Do'er' today? Or perhaps stuck on the sidelines or in the stands as a spectator.......simply attempting to 'get by'. We know what God thinks about being lukewarm. There is a song by former Newsboy Perer Furler which says- 'I'm alive, I'm on fire and my spirit burns with desire. You set me alive.....and with no way to hold it inside'. Are you on fire for God--a Do'er? Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
I challenge us all, myself included, to put our faith in constant action, making our lives a self sacrifice for Christ. Focus on the eternal (upward) and do not conform to the desire of earthly treasures. Are you a "Do'er' today? Or perhaps stuck on the sidelines or in the stands as a spectator.......simply attempting to 'get by'. We know what God thinks about being lukewarm. There is a song by former Newsboy Perer Furler which says- 'I'm alive, I'm on fire and my spirit burns with desire. You set me alive.....and with no way to hold it inside'. Are you on fire for God--a Do'er? Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
Saturday, March 2, 2013
There is a passage I recently read that prompted yet another self examination that I want to share. Ezekiel 47: 1-12--'The River from the Temple'. Particularly, inquisitive words in verses 9 and12.
(9)- Swarms of living creatures will live wherever the river flows. ........so where the river
flows everything will live.
(12)- Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither,
nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear fruit, because the water from the
sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing.
This river flowed from the Temple and yielded much fruit/life wherever it was present. To parallel, I must ask myself, 'what type,if any or how much, fruit yielding substance is flowing from myself (temple)? Am I the light of Christ,encouraging, kind, serving, compassion, loving, etc. to those where my life flows? I challenge us all to live the life God calls us to as children of His.....to let godliness and Jesus flow from our temple/lives.........and allow God to yield many souls. Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
(9)- Swarms of living creatures will live wherever the river flows. ........so where the river
flows everything will live.
(12)- Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither,
nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear fruit, because the water from the
sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing.
This river flowed from the Temple and yielded much fruit/life wherever it was present. To parallel, I must ask myself, 'what type,if any or how much, fruit yielding substance is flowing from myself (temple)? Am I the light of Christ,encouraging, kind, serving, compassion, loving, etc. to those where my life flows? I challenge us all to live the life God calls us to as children of His.....to let godliness and Jesus flow from our temple/lives.........and allow God to yield many souls. Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
Monday, February 11, 2013
Our 'Judas'
We live in a world filled with anger, polarization, disconnect, revenge, apathy/indifference and injustices. We will be wronged many times in our lives....and yes, we ourselves will wrong others. How do we react? Do we want to get even, right the wrong, show we are better than they? What was Jesus example? John 13 shows Jesus attitude towards those that will deny, betray.....sin against Him. He shows love, kindness, compassion and extends grace......He washed their feet. God says vengeance is His (Romans 12:19 and Deuteronomy 32:35). How are you reacting toward the "Judas's" of your life. How can we expect to be forgiven and shown love and mercy, if we do not practice that serving attitude? We must be able to deny and humble ourselves to forgive when we have been hurt/wronged.......to extend love, kindness and compassion......'to wash feet', allowing God to judge and make all the wrongs ---right--- in His timing. Easy? not in our inherent human emotions, but with God's power available, it is definitely possible....and commanded. Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
Friday, February 1, 2013
Google Faith?
We live in an instant gratification society where there is an abundance of knowledge and information at our finger tips.....literally!-- keystrokes to be exact. Within an instant, we can find out just about anything about everything known to mankind via a search engine of your choice on the Internet. I'm not complaining, it is cool, convenient and educational. While this is not necessarily bad, if we are not cautious, we can easily transition this pattern of expectations within our faith.
Quite frankly, we want/demand the same results from God through our prayers/petitions.....which can affect our attitude, our heart, and the way we live our lives. We want to know all the "why's" of this earthly life..........and now! However, God does not need to offer an explanation to us or answer all our prayers the way we would like........He simply asks us to trust. Yet, do we? It is a challenge, but we must dismiss the need to know all those "why's", instead lean on God's promises/love. We do not need to discern all of life's trials to have that peace that passes all understanding--we need to know the One that is caring/compassionate-that is our Creator and God. His wisdom is perfect. Scripture tells us that God's ways are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9). In this world of instant knowledge, we must use caution not place our trust in the knowledge, but by placing it solely in our Almighty God. It is human nature to ask God what our heart desires.......He wants us to. The challenge is to mature in our faith to really believe and live as God knows what is best for us......and when. It's difficult to not allow the unknowns to consume us, deteriorating our faith/trust in Him alone.
Where is your focus today? Consumed with doubts and frustrations of the "why's", or upward in our Saviour's embracing love for us? Proverbs 3:5-6, Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
Quite frankly, we want/demand the same results from God through our prayers/petitions.....which can affect our attitude, our heart, and the way we live our lives. We want to know all the "why's" of this earthly life..........and now! However, God does not need to offer an explanation to us or answer all our prayers the way we would like........He simply asks us to trust. Yet, do we? It is a challenge, but we must dismiss the need to know all those "why's", instead lean on God's promises/love. We do not need to discern all of life's trials to have that peace that passes all understanding--we need to know the One that is caring/compassionate-that is our Creator and God. His wisdom is perfect. Scripture tells us that God's ways are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9). In this world of instant knowledge, we must use caution not place our trust in the knowledge, but by placing it solely in our Almighty God. It is human nature to ask God what our heart desires.......He wants us to. The challenge is to mature in our faith to really believe and live as God knows what is best for us......and when. It's difficult to not allow the unknowns to consume us, deteriorating our faith/trust in Him alone.
Where is your focus today? Consumed with doubts and frustrations of the "why's", or upward in our Saviour's embracing love for us? Proverbs 3:5-6, Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Who is GOOD? Drop an "O"
I have lived my life sometimes with a
prideful attitude by describing myself
as being a good person. We all
know how God views the proud and haughty!
While it may be true that I have lived a life more comprised of ‘good’ than
"bad"-the fact finally hit straight to my heart the more I read the
Bible. NEWSFLASH!!! I am sinful because I am human flesh-I AM NOT
GOOD!-meaning I am not the source of any good things I have done/may do. Sin is darkness/evil-opposite of God. Scriptures tell us of the only source of GOOD,
and that is our Almighty God. Hence, who
is GOOD-drop an ‘O’ which translates to GOD. God is good! The more I study, I realize how unworthy I
am of God’s goodness, patience, love, forgiveness-yet He freely gives and offers
to all-desiring us to choose this obedience way of LIFE .
Good things should flow from those of us claiming to be Christians by
God working in us in the form of the Holy Spirit. We are simply vessels and instruments that
God can use for good. Satan has a knack
for making us believe that it is about us-when it simply is not. In Matthew 19:17 & Mark 10:18, Jesus
tells the rich young man that there is only One who is good. Even Jesus when called ‘Good teacher’, tells
this man that no one is good except God alone. God is the source of all that is
good. I now try to be more circumspect when I describe myself and/or when tempted
to pat myself on the back for something ‘good I have done'! Blessings in your pursuit…….TO
Sunday, January 6, 2013
I do not know what the writer had in mind for this song or the
implication. The lyrics do promote an uncanny resemblance to God's promises. One comment said the
following-It's about God making himself known to a person who has nothing left
to live for. The following is what I perceive as a derived analogy of the
song's chorus. It's what our God is all about and this chorus, as I interpret, provides a reminder regarding the Sovereign God we should strive
to serve. The song is called 'Believe' by one of my favorite bands......Trans Siberian Orchestra (TSO).
I am the way He is the Way
I am the light He is the Light
I am the dark inside the night He is our refuge/protector
I hear your hopes He hears our prayers
I feel your dreams He knows our thoughts
And in the dark I hear your screams Our earnest pleas/petitions
Don't turn away Be steadfast, keep my eye on Jesus
Just take my hand Humbly seek God, embrace His love
And when you make your final stand What will my decision be-to follow or disobey
I'll be right there God never leaves us-we have free will/choice
I'll never leave God is faithful to His promises
And all I ask of you is Salvation is readily available to all
I am the light He is the Light
I am the dark inside the night He is our refuge/protector
I hear your hopes He hears our prayers
I feel your dreams He knows our thoughts
And in the dark I hear your screams Our earnest pleas/petitions
Don't turn away Be steadfast, keep my eye on Jesus
Just take my hand Humbly seek God, embrace His love
And when you make your final stand What will my decision be-to follow or disobey
I'll be right there God never leaves us-we have free will/choice
I'll never leave God is faithful to His promises
And all I ask of you is Salvation is readily available to all
Do you BELIEVE that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He died for our sins, rose in 3 days, reigns in Heaven with our God?
I challenge each one to embrace the Word of God and grow in your belief- resting in His hope, promises, love and mercy. Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
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