Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Entertained by.......?

Why do I make ‘entertainment choices that I know my Heavenly Father does not approve and considers it sin?………that same  sin that His only son,  Jesus,  went to the cross, dying for these iniquities.   Our modern society is infatuated  with being entertained.  We Christians are not to conform to worldliness, we are to be different, a shining light reflective of Jesus--(Matt 5:14-16; Acts 13:17).  Lev. 20:26 says, "You are to be holy to me because I, the Lord, am holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be my own"  God makes it clear that the wages of sin is eternal death-do I really embrace this and think of Godliness and purity when I make my ‘entertainment’ choices.  I do not watch much TV, but one of my favorite sitcoms was Seinfeld.  While I found each cast member very talented and humorous, the majority of the episodes comprise of sinful connotations-I am weaning myself from this once favorite ‘entertainment’ option.  It’s disappointing there are not more wholesome venues—Thank God for Sherwood Baptist Church and their movies as well as others.  I admire folks like actor Kirk Cameron who has put his talents to work for the Lord.  All Christians collectively should and must stand firm, take action and support one another.  How lightly we often treat sin today!  Why have we conformed to watering down Biblical standards and what is acceptable? Jesus, the Lamb of God, paid the ultimate price in giving His life.  He allowed His own blood to be shed so that He could be the Sacrifice of all sacrifices.  He was the final and complete sacrifice.  Jesus' death set us free from sin and death and paved our way to a life of holiness.  That is the cost of sin and the price of forgiveness.  I  have a choice to make.  I could continue to laugh at things that the Bible clearly calls sin and turn my back on the gift that I had been given, or I can choose holiness. I'm sure this will be an ongoing struggle as God calls me to evaluate my entertainment, but I'm choosing to win one small victory at a time.  Do not the light of Jesus.  Blessings in your pursuit of choosing your entertainment…….TO

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