Sunday, December 7, 2014

Christmas-A Promise To Keep

Christmas was always special growing up-wonderful family times and precious memories.  Amidst the commercialization and busyness of the holidays, my parents made great attempts to instill why we celebrate Christmas and the importance of keeping Christ not only in the holiday, but our daily lives as well.  I love and cherish Christmas music.  One of my favorite groups is the Trans Siberian Orchestra (TSO), especially their Christmas music.  One song in particular is called 'Promises To Keep'.......some of the lyrics include:
Christmas time and the year will soon be leaving
Cloaked in time till it's just a memory
Christmas stays if we don't forget its meaning
Days go quickly by, years they multiply
We go searching for thee
And my dream is still alive
From that first December morning
And it always will survive as long as we can see
That the dreams that we find in life
Are the dreams we tend to seek
And Christmas has its promises to keep

We have so many precious promises from our Creator, the Christmas story fulfilled a prophesy-the promise of a Savior.  We all have access to this-the most precious gift of all.  This song reminds me of the following:   time flees quickly; the Spirit of Christmas stays if we do not forget;  to seek Jesus,  the Promise of Christmas (Jesus)-is alive/and will survive;  what am I seeking; and yes, Christmas certainly has it's promises to keep.   I hope we all truly seek and find the wonderful promises of our God.  Blessings in your pursuit.......TO

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Broken-Throw Away?

We live in a 'throw away' society.....things broken, old, lost value...or unwanted are constantly disposed.  Spiritually, we will all be broken at times-the good news is that God still sees value in each and every human being and He will never discard/throw us out. Matter of fact-God uses the broken for His purpose/plans.  Whether its broken pitchers (Judges 7), tables of stone (Exodus 32), David's broken heart (Psalm 51),  an alabaster box (Mark 14),  the broken body of Jesus on Calvary to institute the Lord's Supper (Matt 26), or us at times when we are/feel broken....... He has plans for us all-He knows these plans to the very end and he has the best in mind for us--for good/to prosper us/not to harm/to give hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).  Caveat- we will not have a trial free life on this earth where we will not experience hurt.  Contrast to the society we live in, God will simply keep opening His arms, waiting for us to come to Him.  He will embrace and love us--ALWAYS!  Through our Savior, we can always go from broken-to obedient-to embraced-to valued/ our loving God. While it's true that 'all the king's horses and men could not put Humpty Dumpty back together again--God can and will put our lives back together if we seek Him and are obedient (not perfect) followers.  John 8:10-11 tells of a broken woman-Jesus shows her compassion-He came to save us, not to condemn.  Are you daily engaging in a relationship with Jesus?    Blessings in your pursuit.......TO

Saturday, October 4, 2014


Our speech/comments/thoughts--do they parallel wholesomeness and exemplify godliness in our daily lives?  Ephesians 4:29 tells us to watch that what we say is not unwholesome.  I remember, often at times, what a friend and brother in Christ often said regarding how we talk--he would say that thing which flaps between our teeth/gums/lips can get us into much difficulty if we are not careful.  Isn't that very true and a good reminder to be careful not only what we say.......but how.

I like acronyms, most are pretty relevant, some are a little silly.  This one I came across recently is one of the few reasons where my introverted/quiet personality is favorable.

T-Truthful;  H-Helpful (Beneficial);  I- Inspiring (Encouraging); N- Necessary; K-Kind

We have all heard the wise proverbial saying 'quick to listen, slow to speak' (James 1:19-20).....or 'think before you speak'.  It is so tempting at times to give a piece of our minds, quickly become angry, spew off at someone (possibly even one we love and care deeply for)......I hope we can take this to heart and avoid loose lips in our speech and instead make it a point to speak with love, kindness, compassion, and for encouragement to the listener.

Do you ever wonder regarding the fact that we have two ears.............and only one mouth?......hmmm!

Check out these other passages that God has provided to help us take our speech seriously:  Blessings in your pursuit.......TO

Matthew 12:34,  O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
Matthew 12:36, "But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken."

James 1:26,  Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.  
James 3:5b-6a  "Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among parts of the body
Proverbs 15:1 A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."
Psalm 141:3  Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.
1 Peter 3:10-11,For, “Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and
 their lips from deceitful speech. They must turn from evil and do good;  they must seek peace and pursue it.
Colossians 4:6, "Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.


Sunday, August 31, 2014


Several months ago, I finally took the time and courage to watch the movie Fireproof.  It came out about the same time my wife left our 21 year marriage.  I had hopes to watch this with her, that never came to fruition.  What a power message and endearing movie centering on values such as commitment, trust, love, denying self, imperfections, hope…….the list could continue.  While I loved the movie, it was difficult to watch………alone-heartbreaking.   However, I could not resist expressing some thoughts that the movie places on my heart.
While it has been a few years, it still does not seem right/factual or comfortable to say “I’m divorced”.   Scripture tells us that God hates divorce.  It was never something I thought would happen to my marriage-I’ve learned some things are beyond our comprehension and control.  God is in control, especially when something does not make sense (there is a book of that same title that I have read -“When God Doesn’t Make Sense).  Sometimes, it is not a matter of how good and faithful of a spouse you are…..there is always much room for improvement.  And while I blame my marriage prematurely  on the dangers of powerful , long-term ,prescription pain medication and the effects they can have……..still I could have been better.  While I do not understand-I must trust in my Creator.  Through time and God’s strength—I have long moved on/forward.  Not until we as Christians, spouses, parents   truly deny ourselves and live in submission to God, can we live the life He offers.  If we are to defeat Satan and the “hold” he has on our lives--(marriages, families, etc) we must live selflessly.  My friends, that is not the world we live in….we are not to conform here, but look/live upward.  If you are trying to change someone or think you can, it starts inwardly with ourselves by living the godly life we are called to in all facets (jobs, friendships, as parents, church and especially marriage).  We can’t change others,  however, what we can do is live a life that is exemplary of Christ-like letting the love and spirit of God shine…….then, perhaps others may choose to desire and experience the love and promises of God......and change-it’s up to them and the power of God to transform.  None of us are remotely close to being perfect—that’s not a requirement.  God loves all-equally-all he asks for is………..our hearts.  Blessings in your pursuit…….TO

Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Vineyard

The passage in Isaiah 5:1-9 (The Song of the Vineyard) tells of God's expectations of His people of Israel.  This demonstrates that His yearning is obedience, genuine, love, total surrender, etc.  The owner of the vineyard had the best.....fertile land, choicest vines, watchful care and up keep, yet when harvest came and he looked for the expected good was not there.  The end of verse 2 states....Then he looked for a crop of good grapes, but it yielded only bad fruit. Why is this?  God is serious about genuine obedience.  Just like in verse 7 where the people of Israel are God's chosen vines, we as Christians today are also His.  Verse 7:  The vineyard of the Lord Almighty is the nation of Israel, and the people of Judah are the vines he delighted in.  And he looked for justice, but saw bloodshed; for righteousness, but heard cries of distress.  Choice vines can produce bad crops......the same is true for us.  God delights in His creation....he finds pleasure in us as faithful followers.  However, God despises sin and He will righteously judge against iniquities. God created us, he knows where our hearts are planted.

Are you attached to The Vine?  What are you anchored in?
John 15:5, I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

Blessings in your pursuit.......TO

Saturday, July 19, 2014


This an attempt to briefly paraphrase a story I came across a while back.
God appeared one night to a man while he slept and told him he had work for him to do.  The Lord asked the man to push a large rock outside his cabin with all his might.  The man did just after day, year after year.  The man became worn out and discouraged more and more over time, feeling his efforts were in vain.  Well, guess what?  Satan enters the picture and places negative/discouraging thoughts about God and what he has not done for the man.   He tried to convince the man that what God had instructed was impossible and that the man had failed. 
In a disheartened stage, Satan  asks the man, Why put all this effort?  Just do the minimum, that is good enough.  The man was planning to do just that, but decided to take this matter to God.

He asked the Lord, Why this long, dedicated service failed to move the rock?  The compassionate Lord responded, My friend, I asked you to serve and you accepted-all I asked was for your to PUSH with all your strength, which you have faithfully done.  I did not mention that you had to move the rock......just pushYou  were deceived to believe you had failed, yet you have built strength/muscle and have persevered/grown through opposition-your abilities are much greater than they were before.

The man's call was to be obedient by pushing, to exercise his faith and to trust in God's wisdom.  Since he did indeed succeed and carry this out, the Lord tells the man. "I will now move the rock".
We often try to use our intellect to decipher what we think God wants....when all he wants/asks is for us to simply trust and obey.  Yes, we should  cultivate a faith that will move mountains, but understand that it is God that moves those mountains. 
     When everything seems to go wrong.......when life's trials get us down.......when others don't do
     as we expect.......when finances are difficult.......when we simply do not understand the "why's"
     .......JUST PUSH (PRAY UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENS).  Blessings in your pursuit and as you 'just push'.......TO

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Letter From Home

A few years back, letter's use to be a typical communication to friends, loved ones, etc where geographic challenges made it difficult/impossible to stay in touch.  I'm not certain how many letters are sent now, I must assume that the electronic age has greatly reduced the volume to a minimum.  But that is alright.  Fact is we probably can stay in better communications via emails, text messages, all the social media.  While the mode may be thing is constant-we have an innate desire to hear from those we care about.  I can only imagine the brave soldiers that fight for our freedom feel a much needed sense of support/encouragement when they receive these 'letter's from home'.  As God's children, He authored, through His servants, a most powerful letter......from our Heavenly Home.  His love letter to us can guide, provide knowledge, comfort, transform, encourage, convict and much more......if we read/study and live this powerful letter/book (The Holy Bible).  I encourage all if you are not regularly reading--to consider this letter of love from the eternal home.  If you have never picked up a Bible--consider seeking Him.  While all trials will not magically disappear by living a godly life......we can be better equipped to persevere,  remain strong, and feel hope/comfort when life gets weary .....fighting the good fight--keeping the faith (2 Timothy 4:7) during the daily grind. Yes, life will be challenging at times, yet it is very short and so precious. In one of my favorite 70/80's bands songs, the chorus states......'live every moment, love every day, because before you know it your precious time slips away'  (REO Speedwagon-Live Every Moment).    Blessings in your pursuit.......TO

Saturday, March 1, 2014


How often do we stop short of things in life because we are paralyzed by our insecurities, doubts, and confidence in our God.  This is true in many facets of life, unfortunately, our faith and Christian walk can fall victim when we focus on our shortcomings and not allow God's strength to supersede.  We can easily excuse ourselves through any limitations we have placed on ourselves. Whatever our reservation may be (introverted, lack of knowledge/experience, too young/old, too busy, etc.),  God is sufficient in our weakness (2 Cor. 12:9).  Satan will fill this void with lies regarding these fears/excuses.  He makes us believe we are not good enough, we lack, we will fail....and God does not care.  Scriptures tell of the opposite-God loves us all, he cared enough to send Jesus in the flesh to suffer and die for our wickedness/transgressions.....He cares!  We must be on guard,  put on the full armor of God to be ready when attacks come to our faith.  When we listen to the 'voice of truth', focus on God's power and not our own actions, His light will shine through our shortcomings. I recently finished reading a powerful book, "Life Without Limits" by Nick Vujicic.  I encourage all to read.  He was born without any limbs, yet he has overcome these challenges and done amazing things by taping into God's power.  I have struggled with I have obtained 'more experience'-okay, gotten older, I am trying better to transform out of my self imposed restrictions/limitations to my faith and allow God to flourish in my daily life actions.  It's only through His power, love, grace and mercy.  Our greatest limitations are God's greatest opportunities--when I am weak, He is strong (2 Cor. 12:10).   God can use the ordinary for extraordinary results (e.g. Moses, feeding the multitudes, Elisha and the widow's oil, etc.).  Let's feel more confident in saying "yes" to where we are in life, who we are,  and what we have to offer through God's power.  No more excuses, doubts or fears.  Live by faith in God's promises, trusting and embracing His peace, love, joy......and strength (Isaiah 40:29).  Blessings in your pursuit.......TO

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


When we think of worship, typically we tend to focus on corporate worship at church.  What about the remainder of our service to God.  Biblical principles teach us to live our lives in service to others and worship and praise to our God.......not just at church time.  Romans 12:1 reminds us of this:  Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. We are to use this earthly shell/body as a 'living sacrifice' to our God.  We are to live holy (not perfect) and acceptable too--all this encompasses our worship----a spiritual worship/relationship with our Creator. 
While I'm quite certain there will be varying opinions and interpretations on what exactly this means to our individual daily lives, the principles should be harmoniously clear.

All that we say and do--All of the time:                                                                                    "Living"--a continuous, growing, maturing, life long process
"Sacrifice"-- a selfless/serving others/ Christ focused
"Holy"-- Christ like actions/attitude

A daily journey, a life-long maturing faith.......a perpetual pursuit of that true and proper worship.  Blessings in your pursuit......TO