Sunday, August 31, 2014


Several months ago, I finally took the time and courage to watch the movie Fireproof.  It came out about the same time my wife left our 21 year marriage.  I had hopes to watch this with her, that never came to fruition.  What a power message and endearing movie centering on values such as commitment, trust, love, denying self, imperfections, hope…….the list could continue.  While I loved the movie, it was difficult to watch………alone-heartbreaking.   However, I could not resist expressing some thoughts that the movie places on my heart.
While it has been a few years, it still does not seem right/factual or comfortable to say “I’m divorced”.   Scripture tells us that God hates divorce.  It was never something I thought would happen to my marriage-I’ve learned some things are beyond our comprehension and control.  God is in control, especially when something does not make sense (there is a book of that same title that I have read -“When God Doesn’t Make Sense).  Sometimes, it is not a matter of how good and faithful of a spouse you are…..there is always much room for improvement.  And while I blame my marriage prematurely  on the dangers of powerful , long-term ,prescription pain medication and the effects they can have……..still I could have been better.  While I do not understand-I must trust in my Creator.  Through time and God’s strength—I have long moved on/forward.  Not until we as Christians, spouses, parents   truly deny ourselves and live in submission to God, can we live the life He offers.  If we are to defeat Satan and the “hold” he has on our lives--(marriages, families, etc) we must live selflessly.  My friends, that is not the world we live in….we are not to conform here, but look/live upward.  If you are trying to change someone or think you can, it starts inwardly with ourselves by living the godly life we are called to in all facets (jobs, friendships, as parents, church and especially marriage).  We can’t change others,  however, what we can do is live a life that is exemplary of Christ-like letting the love and spirit of God shine…….then, perhaps others may choose to desire and experience the love and promises of God......and change-it’s up to them and the power of God to transform.  None of us are remotely close to being perfect—that’s not a requirement.  God loves all-equally-all he asks for is………..our hearts.  Blessings in your pursuit…….TO

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