I heard a sermon that focused on a summation in a few key words of the overall theme of God's Word.......so here goes my adaptation. Creation- (In the beginning God
created); Love- (we love because God first loved us, boundless love); The
Fall/Sin- (man’s yields to temptation, sin enters); Israel-
(out of love God selects a chosen Nation/People from which a remnant will
stand & a Savior will come); Jesus- (God in the flesh, lowers
himself into humanity to lead & save us);
The Cross- (again, out of
love, Jesus takes on our sin with the ultimate sacrifice); Resurrection/Salvation-
(Jesus arises on the third day,
conquering death, providing salvation to believers/followers); Judgment-
(God’s final judgment on all; glorious eternal life for the faithful,
eternal separation/wrath upon sin/unbelievers); The
Curse is Reversed- (sin/Satan is defeated/destroyed).
The Bible was written over a period of about 1600 years (roughly 1500
BC-100 AD)…….by at least 40 different
authors (Kings, fishermen, farmer, doctor, shepherd, tax collector,
Prince, tent maker, a military general, a prime minister, a priest, etc) …….in 3 different languages (Hebrew,
Aramaic, Greek)…….covering pieces of 3
continents (Africa, Asia, Europe)…….and yet it
tells 1 uniform story: Where we came from; Where we are going when
we die; and THE WAY God provided for you to choose your eternal destiny. It does not matter who or where we are; what matters is if we have a faithful relationship with our God. Blessings in your pursuit.......TO
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