Sunday, September 27, 2015


We can live our Christian walk in two basic ways:
     1)  As a list of do's/do not's-usually characterized with legalistic and judgmental attributes.
     2)  With joy-for what Christ has done for us through God's love and characterized by gentleness,
           meekness, kindness, compassion, warmth, love and generosity.  We can boldly and 
           confidently wear and share this gift-which is available to all.  Even during the trials we can
           embrace that peace that passes all understanding by trusting in God's promises.

Only by living the latter can we effectively let Jesus shine through our actions/lives.  This is the receptive, encouraging, and inviting model that Jesus demonstrated during his life on earth-an example for us to experience 'the life' He offers.  When Jesus walked the earth and taught, most folks responded to His inviting qualities.  We as humans are drawn to folks that show us kindness, love, sincerity, genuineness, authenticity, compassion, etc.  He often drew multitudes as scripture provides examples. 

We should strive to live so others are drawn.....not to us, but to the 'Light".  We all can be transformed as we focus on the benefits of following Christ and not the costs.  There are going to be costs in life, no matter how we choose to live.  Only by having the Biblical relationship with our Lord and Savior can we harvest the wonderful benefits.......both on earth and eternal.  That is not to suggest all will go our way during our time on earth-there will be troubles, persecution and hardships.  Our reward awaits us in Heaven-an eternity with our Creator.  Our decision to live a selfless serving life to God and others, should be driven by grace and love.......not of guilt/that we have to/as a set of rules.  Our actions will portray our faith (joyous or burdensome).  I  try to project Jesus example of being  inviting to those in my life....... to Him.......and without being judgmental. 

Are you an inviting example to others by your actions?  Blessings in your pursuit.......TO

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