Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Warmth of the SON

I love the Beach Boys harmony and style of music.  One song, ‘The warmth of the sun’, is about the comfort and warmth that the day/sun brings during an emotional time (a lost love in this case)-a classic representation of the Beach Boys.  As Christians, we have the gift of the savior- The ‘Son’ of God.  What comfort, refuge, confidence and ‘warmth’ this should bring to our lives.  We can have this love and compassion not only to help us in our trials, but as a reminder for us in the good times too.  Be thankful for the Son-praise, honor and glorify His name above all.  May we joyfully commit, surrender and submit our lives-daily, to draw on God's "warmth" through His SON-Jesus.  Let's challenge ourselves to share this ‘warmth’ with someone each day.  Blessings in your pursuit…….TO.

Friday, June 1, 2012


Have you seen the movie ‘Yes Man’?  It’s about an ordinary individual living the same’dull’ life day after day-which he seems content to do so…..or does he?  After being persuaded (forcefully)to attend a ‘Yes’ conference as he battles some struggles, he is basically convicted to say ‘Yes’ to everything.  Life changes big time for him(some good, some not so good).  It does challenge me to dissect my Christian walk and analyze how am I living.  Am I just getting by, day after day, feeling stuck in the daily grind.    Have you been like me in that I faithfully attend church and  been involved, yet something was still missing?  It has to be about Jesus- drawing our hearts into His reality, His grace, His love, His hope, His forgiveness, and most of all the free gift of salvation because of Him.  God doesn't want us to have a religion. A religion is where we follow rules hoping to do life right, and serve God out of duty because we think we have to.  Mark 7:8 says, "You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men."  God wants us to have a relationship. A relationship where we follow Him. Matthew 15:8-9  says, “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men."  We should serve God not out of duty but out of delight because of the realization of who we are in Him.   May I suggest that we become ‘Yes’ Christians.  Not necessarily saying yes to everything, but ‘Yes’ to God  and a total submission/surrender to our Lord.   
                                                                                                                                                                               Yes, I am a sinner in need of a Savior.

Yes, I acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Son of God, sent to die on a cross and be resurrected on the third day to save me from my sins.

Yes, I want Jesus to be the Lord and Master of my life.

Yes, I am now and forever will be a forgiven and saved child of the Almighty God.

Yes, I will follow Jesus today, tomorrow, and every other day I'm blessed with on this earth.

God has never asked us to be perfect-He knows we cannot be anyway.  Our imperfections are safely tucked within the reality of His perfection.   Let us simply press on by continuing to say ‘YES’, moment by imperfect moment... day by imperfect day.  Blessings in your pursuit…….TO