Saturday, July 20, 2013

Take a Walk

One of my favorite songs by the group Acappella is called ‘Walking that line’.  The chorus goes like this….I’m walking that line never look back; I’m walking that line I’m on the right track; I’m never alone He’s holding my hand;  everything’s fine ‘cause I’m walking that line to the Promise Land.  The scriptures are filled with promises from our God-promises that He faithfully fulfills.  I must ask myself that even during trials do I trust and believe in these promises?  Do I continue to walk in line with Christ?  One of the song’s versus says….. ‘though my feet may often stumble, I will not be down for long……….so when Satan's poison darts are thrown, I will look back on these challenges just to see how much I’ve grown’.  What a powerful reminder of the benefit of walking with Christ daily.   If we walk the line, we  are better prepared for the trials of life-God will provide a way out.  He is there for comfort, provide strength and deliver us.  We can grow closer to Him…….on our way to the Promise Land.  Which direction are you walking today?  Blessings in your pursuit…….TO

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Wake Up!

I used to travel for work some and the times I had to stay overnight I would usually get the courtesy wake up call.  Our time is precious to us and very demanding from a multitude of sources.  After a night of rest and when the call comes-it’s off we go. What about spiritually? If we do not continually steep ourselves in God’s Word, we probably will often be asleep spiritually.  A Casting Crown’s song,’While You Were Sleeping’, reminds me the need to be vigilant about my faith walk.  Looking and searching to share Jesus and not simply going through the motions……….being spiritually asleep.  May we consider life's challenges and demands a a spiritual ‘wake up call’- to allow our pride to subside to a humble and thankful heart.  Let’s put to practice what we know God placed us here for………to serve God, others (the poor, widowed, disadvantaged, the hurting)....not ourselves.  May we never be caught spiritually asleep any longer.  How will you respond to those 'wake up calls' in your life?  Blessings in your pursuit…….TO