Sunday, June 21, 2015

Insurance Agent

Ever consider yourself an insurance agent?  I came across an article and wanted to share some thoughts.   The article  was designed to make us ponder if we have spiritual life insurance.  We use a variety of insurances in life to protect us during accidents, health costs, fire, flooding, death, etc.  What about our eternity?  Fortunately, God is in the insurance business and he sent His only Son to be our propitiation for our sin.......our insurance-to protect us from sin/eternal separation from God-if we are obedient to His Word.  There is an event coming when God will destroy sin and the Earth forever (2 Peter 3:10)-do you have a relationship with Jesus-our protector/insurance agent?  God has provided the coverage.......the premiums are simple, to follow Him, submit, live an obedient life.  This probably will mean some earthly costs-just as with any premium.  However, when the day comes (our individual judgment day), we can be assured  of 'cashing in our policy' for an eternity with our Creator.  Here on earth after we use insurance coverage-say perhaps for a car or our homes-there is assistance for rebuilding/replacement.  God's insurance will rebuild us into an eternal being in a heavenly home of splendor.  God tells us to go into all the world to teach and share the Good News--Jesus.  Thus in a sense, we as followers/Christians are His agents.  May we always be ready and willing to share this wonderful gift to those precious folks God's puts in our lives.
Are you covered-have you accepted this 'insurance'?  Are you paying the premium-living this precious life of obedience?  If not, look at Acts 2:38, Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Through hearing, believing, faith, repentance, confession and baptism--our sin will be blotted out/ begin a new life in Christ. This relationship must be genuine-God knows each of our hearts.  As we live and fall short/sin-God will continue to cover/insure our salvation through our repentance, confession and prayer.  Blessings in your pursuit.......TO