Sunday, September 27, 2015


We can live our Christian walk in two basic ways:
     1)  As a list of do's/do not's-usually characterized with legalistic and judgmental attributes.
     2)  With joy-for what Christ has done for us through God's love and characterized by gentleness,
           meekness, kindness, compassion, warmth, love and generosity.  We can boldly and 
           confidently wear and share this gift-which is available to all.  Even during the trials we can
           embrace that peace that passes all understanding by trusting in God's promises.

Only by living the latter can we effectively let Jesus shine through our actions/lives.  This is the receptive, encouraging, and inviting model that Jesus demonstrated during his life on earth-an example for us to experience 'the life' He offers.  When Jesus walked the earth and taught, most folks responded to His inviting qualities.  We as humans are drawn to folks that show us kindness, love, sincerity, genuineness, authenticity, compassion, etc.  He often drew multitudes as scripture provides examples. 

We should strive to live so others are drawn.....not to us, but to the 'Light".  We all can be transformed as we focus on the benefits of following Christ and not the costs.  There are going to be costs in life, no matter how we choose to live.  Only by having the Biblical relationship with our Lord and Savior can we harvest the wonderful benefits.......both on earth and eternal.  That is not to suggest all will go our way during our time on earth-there will be troubles, persecution and hardships.  Our reward awaits us in Heaven-an eternity with our Creator.  Our decision to live a selfless serving life to God and others, should be driven by grace and love.......not of guilt/that we have to/as a set of rules.  Our actions will portray our faith (joyous or burdensome).  I  try to project Jesus example of being  inviting to those in my life....... to Him.......and without being judgmental. 

Are you an inviting example to others by your actions?  Blessings in your pursuit.......TO

Friday, September 4, 2015

All we need is Love.......

We live in trying times, of course each generation and periods of time have challenges.  We will have trials on earth.  The good news.......this is not our final home.  Politics are hot discussion and debate topics right now, and often times in 21st century America.  No matter your political views, what is more vital is do we exemplify love.  I am a conservative in every facet of life-that is my make-up. Is that the only way to live ones life, of course not.  I firmly believe the best medicine during hurting and divisive times is love.  I did not come up with that at all, it stems from our creator God.  One of my favorite passages is tabbed "the love chapter"-1 Corinthians 13.  I recommend checking it out if you never have, or it's been a while.  Verse 13 concludes by stating of faith, hope and love-the greatest of these is love.  Love is an action of course.  Also an attitude.  1 John 4:8 says he who does not love does not know God, because God is love.  Of course a huge hurdle is, sometimes this is challenging (love your enemies), yet I am convinced in order to truly experience joy, peace, and life is a key component (love your neighbor as yourself-Mark 12:31).  It must be sincere (Romans 12:9). What a special blessing in the ability to love and be loved.  Perhaps the Beatles were on to something.......all you need is love!  Blessings in your pursuit.......TO

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

A 'Penciled' life

I once read of someone that would write notes with pencil in the margins of their Bible. Why pencil and not a pen which is more permanent for future reference?  Well, as this individual studied more, their thoughts and outlooks changed.  The question marks were replaced(erased) with notes of joy/encouragement.  Jesus has done the same with us.  He takes the temporary (pencil) lives on this earth and has etched a permanent home within us that, if obedient, He will one day exchange the temporary life for a glorious permanent one with Him in Heaven.   Blessings in your journey.......TO

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Insurance Agent

Ever consider yourself an insurance agent?  I came across an article and wanted to share some thoughts.   The article  was designed to make us ponder if we have spiritual life insurance.  We use a variety of insurances in life to protect us during accidents, health costs, fire, flooding, death, etc.  What about our eternity?  Fortunately, God is in the insurance business and he sent His only Son to be our propitiation for our sin.......our insurance-to protect us from sin/eternal separation from God-if we are obedient to His Word.  There is an event coming when God will destroy sin and the Earth forever (2 Peter 3:10)-do you have a relationship with Jesus-our protector/insurance agent?  God has provided the coverage.......the premiums are simple, to follow Him, submit, live an obedient life.  This probably will mean some earthly costs-just as with any premium.  However, when the day comes (our individual judgment day), we can be assured  of 'cashing in our policy' for an eternity with our Creator.  Here on earth after we use insurance coverage-say perhaps for a car or our homes-there is assistance for rebuilding/replacement.  God's insurance will rebuild us into an eternal being in a heavenly home of splendor.  God tells us to go into all the world to teach and share the Good News--Jesus.  Thus in a sense, we as followers/Christians are His agents.  May we always be ready and willing to share this wonderful gift to those precious folks God's puts in our lives.
Are you covered-have you accepted this 'insurance'?  Are you paying the premium-living this precious life of obedience?  If not, look at Acts 2:38, Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Through hearing, believing, faith, repentance, confession and baptism--our sin will be blotted out/ begin a new life in Christ. This relationship must be genuine-God knows each of our hearts.  As we live and fall short/sin-God will continue to cover/insure our salvation through our repentance, confession and prayer.  Blessings in your pursuit.......TO

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Give.......or Take?

From 'Tomology 101'- through some reading, experiences and observations, too often I am reminded of the many hurting relationships.  The family unit is core to a healthy humanity and is has been/continues to be under attack.   The I/Me society proves challenging- I believe the goal should be to out give others and focus less on what I can get and the 'what's in it for me' mindset. I have attempted to make this my life MO-I do fall short at times, perhaps more than I would like to admit..  May we come to look past imperfections of those dear to us, looking inward at our own shortcomings-where we can improve, and strive to make ourselves the best friend/employee/spouse/father/mother/child/ the people in our lives. These relationships are precious gifts and critical for happiness to flourish.  Here are some scriptures/truths for relationships/family: 
Acts 16:31; Col. 3:18-21;  Eph. 5:21;  6:4;   1 Tim. 5:8;   Exodus 20:12;   Deut.  6:6-9;  11:18-19;  Joshua 24:15;  Prov. 13:22;  14:1;  17:6;  22:6;  29:17;  31:10-31;  1 Cor. 7:2-4, 27-28, 32-35, 39-40;   Eph. 5:21-33;   Col. 3:18;   Heb. 13:4;   1 Pet.   3:1-7;   Gen. 2:18, 24;   Prov.  5:18-19;  12:4;  18:22;  19:14;  31:10-31

Blessings in your pursuit....... and your relationships-TO

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


I typically do not like using  the word ‘suck’ as it usually is used nowadays…….however, it seems to fit in this example-so here goes.  Do you suck?  Do you suck life’s delights from those God has placed in your earthly journey?  It’s been said most folks enter relationships (especially marriage) selfishly.  We tend to focus more on ‘what we will get’ rather than ‘how much we can give’.  Recently, I heard this paralleled with regards to those nasty/creepy creatures—TICKS.  These arachnids will attach to a host and then they do what they do-SUCK the blood from its prey! If this continues very long, there could be severe ramifications.  If we are not careful, we can do the same thing to others (often to those we love the most).  Relationships are critical to our overall well being.  We all need those special people/bonds in our lives.  Yet, why do we at times treat those dear to us with disrespect, hurtful words, etc. ? When we selfishly look inward and want to satisfy our desires above submitting to serving others, we may indeed be sucking the life out of those relationships, thus not fully enjoying/experiencing what all they should/could become .  Sometimes this goes to the extent of loosing friends, a marriage, business partnerships, family members, etc).  All because of “I/ME’.  God tells us in scripture to be loving, serving, kind, giving, thoughtful, selfless, etc.-which is quite opposite to what the world commands/expects.  Pride is often a common factor and we know what God thinks of a haughty heart.  May we all strive to work on ourselves to out give those in our lives/those we care about and love.  My goal is to be a ‘filler’--not an ‘emptier’…….may yours be the same.  Blessings in your pursuit—and your relationships…….TO

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Living Sacrifice?

I regularly attend services at church, but I must continually resolve to remember that this is just a part of worship that our God expects.  Punching my time card at church can be in vain if I do not live a life as demonstrated in Romans 12:1-3.  It reads,Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship.  Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.  For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you”.   I must constantly ask myself if I am totally submitting my life as a living sacrifice to serve God and others- denying myself.  If you’re like me, this is a perpetual battle between our human nature and the Evil One.  My prayer today is that all Christians will cease to simply focus on 'getting by' with Sunday/Wednesday corporate worship and take our daily worship to a level exemplified by Paul during his time of imprisonment, and Jesus life example of serving……..not being served.  Blessings in your pursuit…….TO