Monday, December 9, 2013

Blessed or Stressed

If not circumspect, we can easily get caught up in the busyness/rush/stress of particular the time of year-the holiday season.  During the holidays our goal should be to dwell more on the gratitude of Jesus birth and not of focusing on the details, the perfect gift, party, foods, decorations.....and so on--Does this sound a little familiar?  Martha comes to mind  (Luke 10:38-42), she was so consumed with the tasks at hand (not necessarily a bad thing), however, she lost sight of One more important.....the visiting Jesus.  What matters most is the need and opportunity to seek Jesus and spend time with Him-a lesson Martha learned.  I challenge all of us to contemplate regularly the following:  What are we seeking;  What is important;  What do we spend our time and energy on.  May we always be thankful and train our hearts (as well as our children, and others we come into contact with during our precious lives) towards our Savior-instead on inconsequential/temporary matters (Colossians 3:2). We are so blessed to be a child of the Almighty God....let's not miss out through the busyness/stress.
Blessings in your pursuit.......TO