Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dreary to Hopeful

It’s easy to look at current issues that the world faces(or personally) and think of doom and gloom…e.g. economy, decaying morality, families dividing, etc.  God looks beyond the NOW and has prepared a future of HOPE.  We must trust that our Almighty God is in control and does have the power to reverse, change, restore, revive and renew.  However, I believe we have a key contribution….obedience.   That will not exempt us from trials, in fact, we may well face more than we think we should.  We can easily get lost in the NOW.  We need to look past these growth opportunities and focus on God’s promises-one of which is a HOPEFUL future after this earthly life.  Look at the following Biblical examples of dreary life circumstances and the future fulfillment of promises:
Job:  heavy personal loss—bountiful blessings
Joseph:  slavery—second in command of Egypt
Ruth:  widowed, lonely, barren—lineage of our King
Lazarus:  grave—new life
David:  adultery/weakness—great kingdom, an example of a genuine repentant heart
Saul:  persecution—preaching Christ
Sarai/Sarah:  pride and doubt—birth of Isaac
Esther:  orphaned—saved a nation
Rahab:  prostitution—sheltering spies
Peter:  denial—preaching Christ to many
Moses:  lacking confidence in personal abilities—leading God’s people
Yes, God uses trials/challenges to mold us if we allow, believe, trust, and seek Him.  He uses ordinary people for extraordinary results.  Blessings in your pursuit…….TO


Saturday, August 4, 2012


Nope, not ‘desserts’, which I for one am prone to partake of frequently, but ‘deserts’.   Spiritual ‘deserts’ are times of life’s trials that occur between God’s promises and the promise lands’.  To receive a promise, one must follow a plan obediently.  Promises/rewards can pertain to losing weight, obtaining a degree, sports achievements, esteemed career positions, even fighting Satan/sin.  When we do not faithfully follow, we face undesirable consequences/lack of reaching the desired ‘promise lands’.  The Israelites provide invaluable examples of losing focus/being disobedient.  Their ‘deserts’:   being enslaved to Egypt for 400 years and wandering literally in the desert for 40 years.  Human inclination is to move quickly through the trials/pains……those ‘deserts’, and lounge abundantly in those desired good times/’promise lands’.  However, the ‘deserts’ teach us priceless lessons........character builders- such as trust, patience, obedience, discipline, a contrite heart, to seek God first.  These times of reflection can provide much growth in our faith and to draw nearer to our God-exactly where he wants us, because that is ultimately what is best for us.  We can more clearly realize our dependence on God and His great love for us.  This can only come from choosing to seek and follow God through the pains-‘deserts’.  Then, in His time, we can joyously embrace those ‘promised lands’/blessings He provides.  Let’s encourage one another to allow the ‘deserts’ to mold and not defeat us.  To lean on God’s love and promises through complete submission.  Romans 4:20-21, Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God,  being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.  Blessings in your pursuit…….TO