Saturday, May 23, 2015

Give.......or Take?

From 'Tomology 101'- through some reading, experiences and observations, too often I am reminded of the many hurting relationships.  The family unit is core to a healthy humanity and is has been/continues to be under attack.   The I/Me society proves challenging- I believe the goal should be to out give others and focus less on what I can get and the 'what's in it for me' mindset. I have attempted to make this my life MO-I do fall short at times, perhaps more than I would like to admit..  May we come to look past imperfections of those dear to us, looking inward at our own shortcomings-where we can improve, and strive to make ourselves the best friend/employee/spouse/father/mother/child/ the people in our lives. These relationships are precious gifts and critical for happiness to flourish.  Here are some scriptures/truths for relationships/family: 
Acts 16:31; Col. 3:18-21;  Eph. 5:21;  6:4;   1 Tim. 5:8;   Exodus 20:12;   Deut.  6:6-9;  11:18-19;  Joshua 24:15;  Prov. 13:22;  14:1;  17:6;  22:6;  29:17;  31:10-31;  1 Cor. 7:2-4, 27-28, 32-35, 39-40;   Eph. 5:21-33;   Col. 3:18;   Heb. 13:4;   1 Pet.   3:1-7;   Gen. 2:18, 24;   Prov.  5:18-19;  12:4;  18:22;  19:14;  31:10-31

Blessings in your pursuit....... and your relationships-TO