Thursday, November 8, 2012


Who me?     Are you?
We all have many blessings.  It does seem as though we often measure them in a materialistic/worldly manner.  Sometimes we seek a new car, bigger home, a second/vacation home, all the new technological gadgets, etc.  Not that there are anything in particular wrong with having things..........but it's the attitude that motivates these possessions.  Is our attitude to consume these for "self", or perhaps use them to share with others/build relationships and introduce God's love and Jesus? 
I came across a couple passages recently that challenge my attitude on this subject.  They remind  that things of this earth are temporary and our permanent possession (everlasting life with our God) needs to be the focus.  Read II Peter 3:3-13 and Matthew 6: 20-21.  I ask myself, "what am I storing up and what is the reasoning"  and "where is my heart focused"? 
We all like to keep hold of certain memorabilia to recall memories of the past......again, nothing wrong with that emotional activity.  But if not careful, we can become hoarders and allow material/earthly treasures to consume us.  The challenge is to keep all facets of this life in a godly perspective-to look upward and not an earthly focus.  A selfless, humble and serving attitude is the crux of our walk/journey.  I recently disposed of some memorabilia from my college days- a couple medium size boxes.  I had not looked at it much (if at all) in many years.  It was a little difficult as I sorted through and reminisced........but what was important then, is not so much anymore.  I have not since thought much about all I threw out.  We came into this world with no possessions and we will depart in the same manner........we cannot take it with us.  It's hard to imagine, but I must believe, that things that are important in this life, will lose that attachment in the life to come.  Blessings in your pursuit.......TO

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