Saturday, March 1, 2014


How often do we stop short of things in life because we are paralyzed by our insecurities, doubts, and confidence in our God.  This is true in many facets of life, unfortunately, our faith and Christian walk can fall victim when we focus on our shortcomings and not allow God's strength to supersede.  We can easily excuse ourselves through any limitations we have placed on ourselves. Whatever our reservation may be (introverted, lack of knowledge/experience, too young/old, too busy, etc.),  God is sufficient in our weakness (2 Cor. 12:9).  Satan will fill this void with lies regarding these fears/excuses.  He makes us believe we are not good enough, we lack, we will fail....and God does not care.  Scriptures tell of the opposite-God loves us all, he cared enough to send Jesus in the flesh to suffer and die for our wickedness/transgressions.....He cares!  We must be on guard,  put on the full armor of God to be ready when attacks come to our faith.  When we listen to the 'voice of truth', focus on God's power and not our own actions, His light will shine through our shortcomings. I recently finished reading a powerful book, "Life Without Limits" by Nick Vujicic.  I encourage all to read.  He was born without any limbs, yet he has overcome these challenges and done amazing things by taping into God's power.  I have struggled with I have obtained 'more experience'-okay, gotten older, I am trying better to transform out of my self imposed restrictions/limitations to my faith and allow God to flourish in my daily life actions.  It's only through His power, love, grace and mercy.  Our greatest limitations are God's greatest opportunities--when I am weak, He is strong (2 Cor. 12:10).   God can use the ordinary for extraordinary results (e.g. Moses, feeding the multitudes, Elisha and the widow's oil, etc.).  Let's feel more confident in saying "yes" to where we are in life, who we are,  and what we have to offer through God's power.  No more excuses, doubts or fears.  Live by faith in God's promises, trusting and embracing His peace, love, joy......and strength (Isaiah 40:29).  Blessings in your pursuit.......TO

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