Sunday, December 16, 2012

HOPE from the "pits of life"

The example of Joseph's life (Gen 37-50) has many facets/plots/twists.....favoritism from his father resulting in sibling jealousy/rejection, thrown into a pit and sold as a slave.  Joseph must have felt alone, abandoned, betrayed, doubt and fearful.  Yet, my guess is that through his dreams he chose to trust God's timing by persevering through these difficulties for a better plan/outcome.  Easy?  I'm certain we all agree.....NO WAY!

Joseph's trust and faithfulness led to him to become second in command in Egypt.  When the drought came (just as he had dreamed about), he could have taken revenge on his brothers.  Instead, he denied self and the tendency hold a grudge.....he chose to forgive and reunite his family.  God used Joseph trials for a greater purpose/good as he was instrumental in making provisions available to many during the drought.  Gen 50:20 says, You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.  It is certainly easier to view the story knowing the end result.  We struggle "in the now" as we do not know our future.  While I'm certain Joseph struggled at times, God knew he would persevere and trust to the end.  What a great example of HOPE from the "pits of life".  Of course, that does not mean that everything will work out the way we want.....there will be disappointments, hurt, suffering.....during our time in this world.

In order to get out of "the pits", we must trust while releasing our fear and pain to our awesome God.  We must learn to look at trials not as God not caring or that He does not love us, but as an instrument used towards His ultimate plan for our His timing.  This trusting attitude will reap high rewards (as God has promised)........if we take the step of faith by submitting/releasing to our God.  Blessings in your pursuit.......TO

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